Monday, August 2, 2010

Parents Just Don't Understand: 7/28

Do your parents not understand technology? Do they ask you stupid questions? Do they send you absurd text messages? Do they use words like "MyFace,""SpaceBook,"or "The World Wide Web?" If you've got an example of your Parents Just Don't Understanding, submit it here! And thank God we'll never be as dumb as they are!Every morning, my dad sends a picture text message of something random he sees (a tree, a bridge, a car) to my entire family. He calls this his "blog."Andi S from TuftsMy grandfather is doing fairly well for an 86-year-old. He has successfully mastered his HD TV, TiVo, cell, facebook, he set up his own wireless internet, and in an unrelated but pretty hard-core note, he re-roofed his entire house, by himself. We are all very proud of him. Somehow he still manages to invite me to gmail every time he e-mails me. I have a gmail account. I get six invites a day.J DMy brother and I were watching a movie at home (at night) and wanted to turn off all our surrounding lights so we could fully appreciate the awesomeness of our 58-inch HDTV. My dad, however, insisted on keeping the brightest light on so he could see the keyboard of his laptop. Hey Dad? The screen GLOWS.Kylie ZhangLast night, my dad ended up screaming at me, throwing our wireless keyboard into the couch and storming off because "the fucking internet doesn't work. The link your school gave us is in bold and I can't put that in so it keeps taking me to the wrong website!" He forgot the "." before ".com"Erika Hakanson from ElonI sent my mom a text message saying "love you mom" and she responded by sending me a text with my address.David V

Written 2010-07-28 16:00:00
by Susanna Wolff
from Columbia University

Nicholas Hoult Tommy Lee Jones Jill Flint Timothy Olyphant

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