Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pwn My Life: Issue #23

Girl, you so fine.Ever had a moment so nerdy they you needed to tell the Internet about it? Read more nerd confessions at, and send your submissions to dorklypwnmylife at gmail. I bought the Blu-Ray edition of Halo Legends the day it came out, even though I don't own a Blu-Ray player.-SilvianI tricked my Highschool committee to play Nobuo Uematsu's Main Theme From Final Fantasy during our graduation ceremony by telling them it was a lesser known piece by Pachelbel.-AnonymousAt work, I frequently go to the bathroom to see if my Pokemon trades went through at the global trade station.-OmairI get just as excited when my boyfriend gives me jewelry in WoW as I do when he gives me jewelry IRL.-Loraine

Written 2010-08-24 16:00:00
by Kevin Corrigan
from Rowan University
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Jessica Biel Kyra Sedgwick Vanessa Hudgens Ken Olin

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