Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Worried Side-Eye Of Impending Doom

If that isn't a "Damn, is he checking out my possible replacement?" look, then I don't know what is. Backstage at the Emmys last night, Elisabetta Canalis threw the same side-eye Sarah Larson probably gave right before George Clooney's assistant dropped a pink slip and an empty cardboard box into her lap. The photo bomber in the back feels the tension.
That side-eye is the final snooze in the "Your Time With George Clooney Is Ending" alarm. That is Elisabetta's cue to gather up all the juicy shit she has on George (examples: strap-ons covered with his ass dust, the framed photo of Brad Pitt he keeps on his vanity, etc...) to use against him when he tries to evict her from his life without a cut of his Facts of Life royalties!
Oh, my finger tips are covered in bitterness as usual. This isn't going to happen to Elisabetta. I mean, it's obvious that they're happier than a wet pussy (see last thumbnail)! Well, at least he looks happy.
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