Friday, August 20, 2010

.....The Hell?

The nickname Vadge is temporarily on hiatus, because lately Madge has been keeping her crotch tomb of souls covered with layers upon layers of clothes found in the Salvation Army donation bin. Seriously, there's Baby Jesus airing his armpits out in London while Madge is bundled up like she's got the old people chills. And she's wearing pajama bottoms!
Bitch looks like the crazy lady down the street who feeds the alley cats frozen fish sticks and keeps her porch light on at Halloween even though not one kid dares knocks on her front door. On the other side, those corn rows make Baby Jesus look like a street hustler who shakes his ass in a jock strap at an after hours Latino gay club.
These two are getting weirder and weirder by the second. I like where this mess is going.
James Patterson Rush Limbaugh Reese Witherspoon Maria Sharapova

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