Thursday, August 19, 2010

Conversations that Led Up to the Invention of Facebook

 Mark: Hey, do you know anything about that cute girl from the bar?Chris: Not really, all I know is she’s friends with Jared.Mark: Ah! I wish I could use that knowledge to learn more about her and see pictures of her and her friends!Chris: You could ask Jared, I guess.Mark: Well I don’t really want to make it public that I’m trying to find out about her.________________________________ Chris: Whoa, have you been at your computer all day? Didn’t you have classes to go to?Mark: Yeah, I did. I’m so sick of this. I spent all day trying to get information on that girl from my econ class. I looked at her AIM profile to get her favorite quotes; Googled her and got some high school field hockey stats; looked through her Webshots page to see the kind of crowd she hangs out with —cuties, by the way—and I searched the university’s clubs website to see if she registered with any. Man, all this research took forever! My life would be so much easier if there was one website that had all her information complied in an easy to read format!________________________________ Chris: Hey, what’s up?Mark: I was thinking, there should be a way for me to alert everyone I’ve ever known when a good picture of me is taken.

Written 2010-08-16 17:00:00
by Clara Morris


Keira Knightley Jerry Bruckheimer Nicolas Cage Spice Girls

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