Sunday, August 29, 2010

Parasite Hilton's Newest Edition To Her Wall Of Beauty

And here's Wonky McValtrex smiling with her eyes in her mug shot taken last night after she was busted with a (hold your tongue when you say this out loud) purse filled with a bag of the bad shit. Actually, she's not really smiling with her eyes since the wonk is in full effect in her left one. Bitch is more like smirkin' with her eyes. And don't you hate on her Toucan Sam nose! Wonks has a nose just made for scoopin' and snortin' up coke in one swoop. LiLo wishes!
Here's Wonks past mug shots for comparison:

You know her Wonks' assistant is already framing her latest mug shot to display with the others along the staircase.
UPDATE: Here's the mug shot of Wonky's boyfriend Cy Waits who was booked for DUI. Didn't anybody in that room have blotting papers or powder (not the white kind), because both of these bitches look sweatier than Tommy Girl's ass crack while watching Becks in the locker room.

James Franco Natalie L. James Mara Wilson Jackson Rathbone

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