Friday, August 27, 2010

5 Videogames and Their TV Show Equivalents

Sonic and The Simpsons ruled the early 90's, and with good reason: Both were outstanding in their genres and featured title characters that became fixtures in pop culture. Unfortunately, neither franchise knows when to quit and has been milked to the point of almost destroying their legacies. Now Sonic's half werewolf and Moe is judging American Idol. WHY.Take a successful game or TV show with a loyal fan base, pick the fan's favorite character, and give him his own spin-off� a recipe for success! ...Or total failure. Dirge of Cerberus, a spin-off of the critical darling Final Fantasy VII, was released to mixed reviews. Joey, a spin-off of the long-running Friends, lasted only two seasons. With Friends and Final Fantasy followers as fanatical as they are, it's actually pretty impressive that both could be released to such lukewarm reception. So�good for them! I guess?

Written 2010-08-26 17:00:00
by Brian Murphy

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