Thursday, August 19, 2010

Open Post: Hosted By Tomasz Schafernaker

Speaking of flipping a bitch off, here's a short clip of BBC Weatherdude Tomasz Schafernaker throwing a jokey "fuck you, bitch" at one of the news anchors for making fun of his ass. The star moment of this shit isn't Tomasz correctly utilizing his middle finger, it's the two-second freakout he does when he realizes he was just caught on camera. Bitch tries to eat the evidence (aka his middle finger) while his eye balls bulge out like STAINS on bunk meth.
But Tomasz (the z is for zesty) has no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed. Giving a trick the middle finger is as natural as calling someone a "cunt." It's behavior that should be rewarded! Seriously, the BBC producers need to drop a raise in his lap.
And just because, here's Tomasz with his nipples out on the cover of a magazine:

Is it just my imagination or is Tomasz's crotch flipping us off (wink wink) in that picture? Yes, I know the answer is a giant "YES" but just let me believe!
via Best Week Ever
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