Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Frank Miller Makes History Awesome

Check out these new upcoming titles from the author of 300 and Sin City.

Written 2010-09-24 16:00:00
by Caldwell Tanner

Dakota Fanning Joseph Gordon-Levitt Ashley Greene Charlize Theron

Monday, September 27, 2010

damn you Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian went to Nobu over the weekend with her giant sister Khloe (image not available) and some friends. In other words, no boyfriend. When she was dating Reggie Bush of the Saints, he won the Superbowl. Then they ended it and last week he broke his leg. After that [...]Charlize Theron Collette Wolfe Michael Fassbender Anna Nicole Smith

Katy Perry is a really good actress

Katy Perry was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live this weekend, and she was in a sketch about who the hell knows (video under the cut). If their plan was to create the worlds most popular .gif, mission accomplished.

Sean Diddy Combs Stephen King Kimi Raikkonen Jeff Gordon

The Great Mount Everest Challenge [Comic]

Nicolas Cage Spice Girls Matt Damon Dale Earnhardt Jr.

"That's Hot" Belongs To Wonky

The next time one of Parasite Hilton's victims puts his tongue one of her crotch craters and screams "That's HOT!", she can slip a lawsuit in between his ass cheeks because she owns that phrase.
In 2007, Wonky and her team of lawyers sued Hallmark for using her trademark phrase and likeness on the stupid card above. Hallmark argued that the card is parody so it's protected by fair-use laws. The case went all the way Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals who ruled in favor of Wonks. They then sent the case back to a lower court and a trial was supposed to start in December. But that's not going to happen, because E! News reports that Hallmark has settled with Wonks for an undisclosed amount of cash.
More money for coke gum! Or for fluffy purse dogs who will eventually be banished to the basement closet to feed on wall mold and paint chips. :(
Wonks and "fair use" go together like vodka and my froat, but Hallmark is still in the wrong for using that nasty whore's face to make money without permission. It really hurts to admit that. I already have hate for Hallmark for mating with Satan to birth the minions of pure evil known as hoops&yoyo. But now I really hate HATE hate Hallmark for making me side with Wonky. No amount of talking cat birthday cards can cure that pain.
Lindsay Lohan Christina Aguilera Jessica Alba Stacey Dash

Miss Piggy's Six Sexiest Outfits (PICS)

Why oh why is Sesame Street banning Katy Perry?s breasts? The resident diva Miss Piggy, has worn FAR more revealing outfits in her 36 years on the show than the California gurl sported in her new video with Elmo. Yet Katy Perry?s video has been dumped from airing on PBS.Shirley MacLaine Nicole Kidman Laura Dern Djimon Hounsou

Top 10 Eurotrash Bands

If you?re fortunate enough to visit some of Europe?s finest cities, ?eurotrash? music (or ?europop? and ?eurodance?)Stacey Dash Selena Gomez Maria Canals Salma Hayek

Roundup of the Best Celebrity Quotes about Money

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be rich and famous? Here are a few famous people taking about being rich--these celeb quotes are pretty funny, too.Tim Matheson Brian Austin Green Wesley Snipes Sandra Bullock

Zachary Quinto In Angels In America

Zachary Quinto is currently playing Louis Ironson in Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes at the Signature Theater in New York and he looks fantastic!!
CLICK HERE to see more pHOtos of Zachary Quinto and cast!!
CLICK HERE to see more pHOtos of Zachary Quinto and cast!!
CLICK HERE to see more pHOtos of Zachary [...]Shirley MacLaine Nicole Kidman Laura Dern Djimon Hounsou

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mimi Goes Down In Singapore

While performing at the F1 Singapore Grand Prix, Mimi slipped on stage and gracefully floated to the floor like a true melodramatic diva. Seriously, it looks like the whispers of a zillion butterflies, the wings of a dozen imaginary angels and the rays of a rainbow softly guided her to the floor. That is serious dramatic theatrics right there. When Mimi falls, she always imagines that there's a pink velvet settee just waiting to catch her.
Then Mimi's dancer hiked up their weight lifting belts, said a silent prayer that their chiropractor can fit them in the next day and pulled her probably pregnant ass off the floor. The best part is when Mimi calls her assistant out to get her heels off so she doesn't give her Hello Fetus a case of vertigo by free falling again. Ha. If Margo Channing was based on a Lisa Frank drawing, she'd be just like Mimi.
There's more clips of Mimi's performance at ONTD.
Ellen DeGeneres Sarah Jessica Parker Katherine Heigl Regis Philbin

'Human Centipede 2' Trailer Slithers Online

'The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)' will steer away from any "realism" (the original was touted as being 100 percent medically accurate) and instead promises to be "pretty nasty"Laura Dern Djimon Hounsou Maria Conchita Alonso Demi Moore

Kim Kardashian At Octoberfest (PICS)

Can it get any better than Kim K at Octoberfest?Joseph Gordon-Levitt Ashley Greene Charlize Theron Collette Wolfe

When Celebrities Delete Their Twitter Accounts

You have to be really careful with sites like twitter these days. With thousands of people watching everything you say, it may be risky to keep it too real. Check out our list of famous folk who crumbled under the social networking pressure.Naomi Watts Angelina Jolie Scarlett Johansson Pamela Anderson

Lindsay "Totally Shocked" She's Back in Jail

When Lindsay Lohan walked into court this morning, the last thing she was expecting was to be sent back to jail! "Lindsay was totally shocked. She really thought she was going to get to post bail immediately," a close friend of Lindsay's tells Star.Maria Sharapova Ryan Seacrest Gwen Stefani Daniel Radcliffe

10 High Schools with Better Team Names Than Your High School's

Written 2010-09-23 17:00:00
by Sports Pickle

Keira Knightley Jerry Bruckheimer Nicolas Cage Spice Girls

Pwn My Life: Issue #30

I own the special-edition Pikachu N64. -AndrewEver had a moment so nerdy that you needed to tell the Internet about it? Read more nerd confessions at Dorkly.com, and send your submissions to dorklypwnmylife at gmail.In between 6th and 7th grade I built two decks of Pokemon cards. Then I spent most of the summer dueling myself on a playmat in my room by myself.-AnonymousI'm getting married next week. I had my bride-to-be's ring made out of palladium instead of gold or silver, because that's what Iron Man's core is made from. -MoeMy professor was using superheroes to illustrate a point in class and referred to Thor as having "radioactive powers." I was so mad that I walked out.-Anonymousi just had a fight with my girlfriend because she was playing MW2 with other guys. I felt cheated on.-John

Written 2010-09-21 16:00:00
by Kevin Corrigan

Robert Redford Tom Hanks Taylor Lautner David Suchet

If Classic Children's Books Were About Sports

Written 2010-09-21 17:00:00
by Sports Pickle

Jay Leno Sean Diddy Combs Stephen King Kimi Raikkonen

Saturday, September 25, 2010

?Goodfellas? TV Show? Yes, please!

The Television Gods are working on a small screen adaptation of Martin Scorsese?s Mafia movie classic, Goodfellas.

In a move snatched straight from a Sopranos fan?s dreams, The Web World went abuzz Thursday with reports that the real-life story of Mob Rat Henry Hill?s 25 year courtship with the Lucchese Crime Family may be getting a new lease on life just in time for the 20th anniversary of the film?s release.Bruce Willis Britney Spears Natalya Rudakova Timothy Dalton

Sketchy Craigslist Ads Posted After They Got Rid of the Erotic Services Section

Written 2010-09-23 12:00:00
by David Siegel

Bon Jovi Jennifer Lopez Ben Stiller Kevin Garnett

oh this looks comfortable

The last two days have been filled with reports detailing an alleged affair between Ashton Kutcher and a girl named Britney Jones, but to maybe take some of the heat off, today Kutcher and his wife Demi Moore made an appearance in New York to launch the Real Men Campaign to Help End Child [...]Beyonce Knowles David Beckham Johnny Depp Jay-Z

Spanish Lawmakers Endorse Lighting Bulls' Horns On Fire!!!

This is awful!
Animal right's activists are not happy with lawmakers in Catalonia, Spain after they voted to support the flaming bull festivals.
The tradition known as "correbous", involves putting fireworks or flaming wax on the horns of the bull and allowing them to charge at people.
WTF!? Why would anyone want a bull, let alone one [...]Tom Cruise Jay Leno Sean Diddy Combs Stephen King

The Fiery Sun Of Cameroon Shines In New York

Michelle Obama to herself: "I will never be as ravishing or as glamorous as her." Chantal Biya (whose magnetic follicles reaches in and grabs the thoughts of those around her) to Michelle: "I know."
The First Lady of Cameroooooooooon floated on the sun's rays to Tarrytown, NY today to lunch with Michelle Obama and the other first ladies of the world. They were supposed to feast on fresh vegetables from the White House garden and eggs from the Stone Barns Center, but the only feasting that went on was the other ladies eating up Chantal's protein-rich beauty. They pushed their plates aside and took in the heat wafting off of her flaming hair halo. And then they marveled at the fact that her eyebrows are as delicate as a gazelle's clitoris. With Chantal, you get a meal and a show.
And you know the sheeps at the farm shaved themselves out of shame. They know that they can never be as fluffy as the cloud of lusciousness on Chantal's head.
Natalya Rudakova Timothy Dalton Ellen Page Dakota Fanning

Geena at the Social Good Summit

Yesterday, CGG attended the Social Good Summit hosted by the 92nd Street Y, the United Nations Foundation and Mashable. CNN Journalist Soledad O'Brien
interviewed Academy Award Winning Actress Geena Davis, who founded the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media.
read moreVanessa Williams Tina Fey Paula Deen Naomi Watts

The CAPTION THIS Contest For September 24th!

Kanye West Celine Dion Dr. Phil McGraw Tom Cruise

A Puking Tony Stark was Supposed to Open Iron Man 2 [Vid]

Why this scene was ever changed is beyond me. It completely changes the opening from a pretty self-congratulatory circle-jerk to one of a reluctant, hungover, hero who can?t resist the calling of his own ego.George Lucas Keira Knightley Jerry Bruckheimer Nicolas Cage

Friday, September 24, 2010


Lindsays bail was revoked, she was cuffed and taken into custody. THERE IS NO BAIL! Breaking reports say she cannot get out of jail, she will be in prison until her court date. She will be taken from court immediately back to Lynwood, the same jail where she was last time. [...]Carrie Underwood Jon Stewart Justine Henin Judd Apatow

If Classic Children's Books Were About Sports

Written 2010-09-21 17:00:00
by Sports Pickle

Ellen DeGeneres Sarah Jessica Parker Katherine Heigl Regis Philbin

The CAPTION THIS Contest For September 24th!

Collette Wolfe Michael Fassbender Anna Nicole Smith Nicholas Hoult

screw you George Clooney

When a guy has a hot girlfriend, you can be happy for him, but only up to a certain point. After that it’s just irritating. George Clooneys girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis is way past that point. Unless he steps out to his car today and get’s hit by an asteroid, I’m done [...]Jennifer Holland Ben Affleck Tim Matheson Brian Austin Green

Japan to Paris Hilton: Get Out!

Ronaldinho Shaquille ONeal Judge Judy Sheindlin Howard Stern

Kim Kardashian: "Botox Just Wasn't Necessary For Me"

Jackson Rathbone Penélope Cruz Adrien Brody M. Night Shyamalan

10 High Schools with Better Team Names Than Your High School's

Written 2010-09-23 17:00:00
by Sports Pickle


Wolfgang Puck Zac Efron Annika Sorenstam Ashley Tisdale

The Social Network Takes Over MySpace

Crazy things are happening on the web today!
The Social Network, a film about Mike Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, is doing a site-takeover of MySpace (in other words, a really big advertisement).
?[The takeover] combines the reach of a takeover, the real estate of a home page skin, and the content of a microsite," said Nada Stirratt, [...]Paige Hurd Kelly Preston Jessica Simpson Michael Nouri

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Birthday Wish

Written 2010-09-23 13:00:00
by Caldwell Tanner


Lorena Ochoa Jonas Brothers Howie Mandel Wolfgang Puck

5 Hilarious Nephew Tommy Prank Calls

nationally syndicated Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show takes it to a whole new level.Brad Pitt Will Smith Justin Timberlake Steven Spielberg

Hard Rock Suing TruTV!

Things got a bit too real for them.
The owners of the Hard Rock franchise are suing TruTV over their new show Rehab: Party at the Hard Rock Hotel. The lawsuit states that the Hard Rock execs are appalled by the amount of debauchery and violence showcased at their Las Vegas casino and insist that it [...]Cameron Diaz David Letterman LeBron James Jennifer Aniston


Written 2010-09-20 13:00:00
by AmazingSuperPowers


Sarah Jessica Parker Katherine Heigl Regis Philbin Tom Clancy

David Archuleta Thinks Holding Hands With Girls Is Gross!

Oh, Archie! You silly little gay boy!
Check out (above) this HIGHlarious Q&A session with the 19 year old American Idol star in which he admits that he thinks holding hands is "gross" - despite having a track called My Hands!
Aww! Poor thing!
Who does he think he's kidding?
The Police J.K. Rowling Brad Pitt Will Smith

105%: Issue One Hundred and Thirty Seven

The perfect amount to shake a stick atThis tear-free shampoo works great, but I still really miss my dead parents.-Caldwell Tanner (@caldy)The best way to hide an erection is to stand next to someone with a bigger erection.-Brian Murphy (@CHmurph)Native Americans discovered America before everyone else. Does that make them the first hipsters?-Conor McKeonWhen I get on stage it's like I take on a whole new persona. It's amazing how one second I'm just a regular, "Average Joe" and the next I'm "guy getting wailed on by security for interrupting Ms. Morissette's performance."-Alex Watt I saw a vagrant checking Facebook at the library the other day. It was so sad seeing him get an error message every time he clicked "home."-Kevin Slane (@Kslane)I Read A Book About Mongolian LiteratureIt was ok, I guess. It had its prose and Khans.-Luke Bean

Written 2010-09-22 13:00:00
by 105%-O-Matic
from Bucks County Community College

Cameron Diaz David Letterman LeBron James Jennifer Aniston

Keanu And A Cupcake

Who frowns at an innocent and sweet cupcake? Who stares at a cupcake as though it's the reason why their urethra is swollen to the point where the jizz just dribbles out? Who looks down at a cupcake like it's the cause of that annoying ass mosquito buzzing in their ear in the middle of the night and waking them up? KEANU REEVES DOES! Frowning at a cupcake is like frowning at a bowl full of kittens.
It's as if Mel Gibson and White Oprah simultaneously queefed on his cupcake. If something as perfect as a cupcake can't cure Keanu of the chronic sads, then what can?!
In his defense, Keanu is shooting some move called Generation Um, so it's possible that his character is the one who feels nothing when faced with a sugary cake of happiness. But Keanu makes it look so real. STAINS is still putting him on notice.
Sandra Bullock Bruce Willis Britney Spears Natalya Rudakova

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

And the American Idol Judges Are...

Kelly Preston Jessica Simpson Michael Nouri Jurnee Smollett

And the American Idol Judges Are...

Steve Carell Lorena Ochoa Jonas Brothers Howie Mandel

6 Fights You'll Have with Your Roommate

After a long day of checking Facebook, going to class, and checking Facebook while in class, you and your roommate have retired to your respective extra-long twin-sized rest areas. Your blankets are warm and your pillow is cool—you’ve even found the right groove in that pre-used mattress of yours. The only thing keeping you from a good night’s sleep is the artificial glow of the overhead light. The light switch is right next to your roommate’s bed, so you ask him to turn it off. You don’t get a response and you realize that, for the third night in a row, your roommate is pretending to sleep. Since your roommate is “asleep” and doesn’t want to blow his act, you can say pretty much anything you want without worrying about a rebuttal. You’ll win the war of words but in the end, you’re still the one who has to get up and turn off the lights.As a kid you always dreamed of having a bunk bed to call your own. What it lacked in racecar shape it totally made up for in new places to swing from and opportunities to hang upside down. But now you’re a mature college student, and the idea of sleeping directly above one of your “bros” kind of creeps you out. Not to mention the daunting physical task of climbing in and out of bed--like you needed any extra incentive to stay in bed all day. At first, you and your roommate will pretend you don’t care which bunk you get but after about ten minutes of passive-aggressive hint-dropping (“I’ll bet the top bunk’s got a great view”) your roommate will tell you about his fear of heights. You’ll call bullshit and decided to leave the fate of your bedding arrangements to the flip of a coin. After about 50 “inconclusive” flips you both decided to just disassemble the bunk beds—eliminating all room for activities.Something smells awful in your room, and it’s not you (It’s not you, right?). A couple covert underarm sniffs and body spray applications confirm that the odor is coming from someone or something else. Your roommate is fresh out the shower and the room is covered in a heavy blanket of Febreeze, and yet the room still stinks. After taking another shower and covering the room in a blanket of Febreeze you realize it’s the container of garbage that smells. Your roommate shotties not while you’re preoccupied trying to comprehend how such a small waste receptacle can produce such a big stench. You try and convince your roommate that since you’re the one who paid for the garbage can, he should be the one who empties it out. Your roommate counters by pointing out all the other, more expensive things in the room he paid for.

Written 2010-09-20 18:00:00
by Alex Watt
from Siena College

Anna Nicole Smith Nicholas Hoult Tommy Lee Jones Jill Flint

everyone hates Paris Hilton

Just hours after appearing in a Las Vegas courtroom yesterday to enter her plea agreement for cocaine charges, Paris Hilton was detained by officials at an airport in Tokyo.
It should have been simple enough, because if there?s one thing foreign countries love, it’s Americans with criminal records entering their country, but for [...]Dale Earnhardt Jr. Bon Jovi Jennifer Lopez Ben Stiller

Class Reunion Massacre - 11 Boogeymen Who Should Kill Again

For every crappy horror movie franchise that probably shouldn't have been made there are many other crappy franchises we would love to see. Here's a few.Adrien Brody M. Night Shyamalan Marisa Tomei Nicola Peltz

Top 10 Celebrity Cameos in Indie Rock Videos

It's kind of cool when an A-List actor adds his or her talent to a lesser-known band. Here are ten of the best appearances by celebrities in indie rock (and not-so-indie rock) videos, new and old.Matt Damon Dale Earnhardt Jr. Bon Jovi Jennifer Lopez

GOGO, Josie, let's go!

Top model Josie Maran recently hosted a "Day of Makeovers" event and celebrated her new partnership with City Of Hope, one of the country's renowned cancer research and treatment facilities. Read on for what "GOGO" actually means...
read moreLorena Ochoa Jonas Brothers Howie Mandel Wolfgang Puck

Three Words: Chola Bus Fight

And here's the latest episode in the ongoing "Foolery on Public Transportation" series. If this went down on the free Ontario Mills Shuttle bus in CA, I'd have to get on the phone with some of my chola cousins to tell them to calm down because they are mothers now! But this mess happened on a bus in San Antonio, Texas.
I'm not exactly sure what made chola mommy's exquisite Sharpie brows melt in anger, but she settled it with a punch to the face while holding her baby! And she continues to hold on her baby while beating some ass. This is the art of multi-tasking.
Bitch is making war with one arm, while making motherly love with the other! And I bet her burgundy lipstick (with black lip liner) didn't even smudge. Somebody hand her a "Smile Now, Cry Later" trophy for Chola Mother of the Year. It will look good on the mantel next to her summons from CPS.
They should teach this at Mommy and Me.
Source: WOAI via YT (Thanks Hexie)
Michael Fassbender Anna Nicole Smith Nicholas Hoult Tommy Lee Jones

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Christina Hendricks is a natural beauty

Christina Hendricks was out running some errands yesterday in Beverly Hills, perhaps shopping for more of the unicorn blood she drinks as part of the spell that transforms her into a hot girl before filming her scenes on ‘Mad Men’.
Sean Diddy Combs Stephen King Kimi Raikkonen Jeff Gordon

Anybody else catch the season premiere of 'Always Sunny'? (pic)

Tom Clancy Rachael Ray Cate Blanchett Heidi Klum

Javier Bardem "Very Happy" About Becoming A Dad!

Roger Federer Alex Rodriguez Jerry Seinfeld 50 Cent

Quote Of The Day

"I want to be in Glee, but I'm told I'm not famous enough to be a cameo yet."
- Wall Street 2 star Carey Mulligan, on getting snubbed by Glee
[Image via WENN.]

Alicia Keys Gisele Bundchen Gwyneth Paltrow Tyra Banks

Russell Brand Talks About Hooking Up With Cokate

In his soon to be released book My Booky Wook 2: This Time It's Personal, Russell Brand opens up about his brief fling with Kate Moss.
Brand explains:
"I had a mad infatuation with her. I didn't feel all cool. It didn't feel like a conquest, it felt like I fell down a well. I was [...]Carrie Underwood Jon Stewart Justine Henin Judd Apatow

Pain-In-The-Ass Does Lifetime!

Finally! She's right where she belongs!
Hayden Pain-in-the-Ass is taking a page out of the Jennifer Love Hewitt book of desperation and irrelevancy, and has signed on to star in an upcoming Lifetime original movie!
The Amanda Knox Story will feature Pain-in-the-Ass as the title character, an American exchange student accused of murdering her roommate while [...]Rachael Ray Cate Blanchett Heidi Klum Carrie Underwood

Honest ESRB Ratings

Written 2010-09-20 16:00:00
by Andrew Bridgman
from Purdue University

Anna Nicole Smith Nicholas Hoult Tommy Lee Jones Jill Flint

Honoring Hollywood?s power couple: Will and Jada

Will and Jada Smith have both earned their places in the industry through passion and hard work, but they've never forgotten about the importance of giving back. This week, the couple attended a special gala to support families and friends affected by lupus.
read moreNicola Peltz Shannon Tweed Vincent D\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Onofrio Tisha Campbell

Monday, September 20, 2010

How Dreadful: Kim Zolciak's Latest Assault On The Eardrums Of The World

If Teyana Taylor's "Google Me" got brutally attacked in the froat by a rabies-infested blonde coyote with mange and was forced to get an artificial voice box installed, its first words would sound just like Kim Zolciak's new "song" called "Google Me." Nay Nay Semel is thisclose to filing a copyright infringement lawsuit, because Kim's song is a "you dumb fuck" away from being her signature line!
Above is just a preview of the song, but I don't need to hear the whole thing to know that Kim obviously snatched these lyrics from a 90s cheer squad at a high school whose literacy rate is below 10% (probably my high school).
This Benji the Hunted bitch needs to stop. Bitch's song is way too broke for the Google name. More like, "AltaVista me".
(Thanks to all who sent this mess in. My dog hates you now.)
Roger Federer Alex Rodriguez Jerry Seinfeld 50 Cent

Take him to the Jonas ward

Joe Jonas was beaming yesterday at the sight of his name on the Nursery doors at the Casa Grande Regional Medical Center in Arizona. This is also the very same hospital that Jonas was born in just twenty-one years ago.
The singer was granted the honor after donating $10,000 to the hospital on behalf of Change for the Children, making it possible for the hospital to buy new equipment for the newborn nursery.
read moreKelly Preston Jessica Simpson Michael Nouri Jurnee Smollett

10 Ridiculously Petty Feuds Between Hollywood Big Shots

Here are ten of the pettiest, most hilarious Hollywood feuds in movie history:Alice Eve Jean-Claude Van Damme Mickey Rourke Demi Lovato

Russell Brand's Arrest May Affect US Visa!

We bet Katy would be heartbroken!
It seems that Russell Brand's arrest at LAX this weekend may affect his career and love life in America. Immigration officials are investigating the incident and his visa might even be revoked.
A spokesperson for the US Citizen and Immigration Services said:
"We are looking into this…A charge of battery could [...]LeBron James Jennifer Aniston Michael Jordan Kobe Bryant

And The Nominees Are?

OMG! What outrageous and glorious thing will GaGaloo win this time.
The nominees for the The MTV European Music Awards are out and once again, our wifey is dominating! And, once again, she'll be going head to head with the likes of Katy Perry, Eminem, and Rihanna for the years top honors!
It's sure to be a [...]Bon Jovi Jennifer Lopez Ben Stiller Kevin Garnett

The 10 Most Badass Gunslingers in Science Fiction

Old West style Gunslingers seem to be a perfect fit in science fiction, and whenever they pop up they instantly make whatever they're in better.Justine Henin Judd Apatow Kate Moss Patrick Dempsey

Gamebook: 5 Final Fantasy VII Status Updates

Written 2010-09-16 15:00:00
by Brian Murphy


Tom Hanks Taylor Lautner David Suchet Vin Diesel

Crazy Quaids Arrested For Burglary!!

This couple is out of control!!!
Randy and Evi Quaid were arrested Saturday afternoon on charges of felony burglary, and resisted arrest for Evi, after they broke into their former home and was found living there illegally!
The owner of the Quaids' former home called police when an alarm went off in the house. The owner [...]Phil Mickelson Madonna Simon Cowell Roger Federer

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dating, It's Complicated: Issue #66

Dating someone? Well great! Send your craziest, funniest, most embarrassing dating related stories to me using this cool automatic submission form!The other day I was trying to tell a sexist joke to my girlfriend. I set the joke up by telling her my mom had recently called me a misogynist and I had responded to my mom by saying, "Now how'd a little woman like yourself learn a big word like 'misogynist'?" Expecting some form of an, “Oh my gosh please" reaction from my girlfriend, she just stared at me. Finally she asks "Wait, what does misogynist mean?"-CameronMy girlfriend just proudly told me she has finished reading all the Twilight novels. She then said "I don't know what I'm going to do now?". I suggested she read The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. She quickly responded, in a very patronizing tone "I'm not going to read wizard books!"-NathanAfter having some kinky sex one day, my girlfriend and I decided we should break up for college. After agreeing that it was for the best I got up to get a drink and she informed me that the handcuffs had left marks on her wrists. Without thinking I replied, "I should really put some electrical tape on those or something. You know, for the future." She cried. A lot.

Written 2010-09-16 16:00:00
by Jason
from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Jay Leno Sean Diddy Combs Stephen King Kimi Raikkonen

Joaquin Phoenix: Yes, it was a hoax

What we all suspected about Joaquin Phoenix for the past couple of years has turned out to be true: he was never genuinely pursuing a hip-hop career, or messed up on drugs, or suddenly incapable of forming a coherent sentence, or totally losing his mind. His behavior since late 2008 has all been an act.Justin Timberlake Steven Spielberg Cameron Diaz David Letterman

First Look: The Situation On DWTS

Check out this Situation! Mike Sorrentino, the star of Jersey Shore, has taken his official cast photo for his new gig on Dancing With The Stars.Paula Deen Naomi Watts Angelina Jolie Scarlett Johansson

Someone Loves Chachi

The need for tattoo removal services is strong for this one.Timothy Bottoms Ron Howard Kim Cattrall Oprah Winfrey

Voltron Concept Art: When Transformers Meets Thundercats [PICS]

Surprisingly they don?t look bad. Take a look?Jessica Simpson Michael Nouri Jurnee Smollett Ryan Reynolds

Stewart and Colbert Announce Competing Rallies in DC

Jon Stewart will hold the Rally to Restore Sanity in Washington DC on October 30 while Stephen Colbert will lead the March to Keep Freedom Alive the same day and place.Ben Stiller Kevin Garnett James Patterson Rush Limbaugh

Lindsay Lohan Failed Her Drug Test

The judge in Lindsay Lohan's case made it clear that if she fucks up again she will go back to her private jail room at Lynwood for 30 days. "Fucking up" includes getting an F on a drug test. Well, LiLo must've used the wrong baby's piss during a drug test, because TMZ says that she failed one last week. This is why you have to always drug test the baby you're going to take piss from for your drug test. That crackhed, I swear.
LiLo barely got out of rehab, but according to test results she's back on the shit that put her there in the first place. Even though LiLo swears she didn't fail a test, TMZ is standing by their story. A rep for the D.A. says they have yet to receive the results from her test.
Hmmm. I wonder which excuse LiLo is going to pull out of her ass this time? Maybe Michael Lohan broke into her apartment while she was asleep, drugged her, threw her into a bath tub full of ice and surgically replaced her bladder with a bladder tainted with druggy piss. LiLo regularly wakes up in a bath tub full of ice, so she didn't think anything of it. Or maybe Michael Lohan broke into the drug testing facility and switched her piss with White Oprah's piss. White Oprah's piss is made of pure opiates. This is true.
Who knows which excuse LiLo will use, but I'm sure it will involve Michael Lohan doing some kind of ninja-like shit.
UPDATE: TMZ says that LiLo's drug test came up positive for cocaine. DUMB BITCH! She thought she was snorting up aspirin! She had no idea it was the bad shit even though it came in a plastic baggie and her dealer laid it out for her on her usual mirror. She thought it was aspirin!
UPDATE II: TMZ now says that this dumb fuck got an F on more than one drug tests. Their source said that she flunked a second test, but it wasn't for cocaine. They wouldn't say what it was for. BLOHAN IS BACK!!!!
Reese Witherspoon Maria Sharapova Ryan Seacrest Gwen Stefani

Harry Potter 101: Every Spell Performed In The Movies

Prepare for your OWLS by learning every exclamatory spell performed in the movies!Jay Leno Sean Diddy Combs Stephen King Kimi Raikkonen

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hot Slut Of The Day!

Professor Mark Haub of Kansas State University, nutrition expert and inventor of the greatest diet ever created!
Kirstie Alley no longer has to hide the casualties (aka the empty wrappers) from her 3am Ho Ho and Twinkie massacre! She can proudly bite into that delicious golden peen cake out in the open as though it was a piece of steamed broccoli, because Professor Mark Haub is proving that the Twinkie Diet actually works! Sorry, L. Ronnie, but Kirstie has a new messiah! As do I!
During Mark's month-long experiment, he has lost 13 pounds and his bad cholesterol levels have dropped. Mark starts each day with a snack cake, a bowl of sugary cereal and coffee. Mark usually has the same thing for lunch. For afternoon snack time, he has a Twinkie, a hot dog or a bag of chips. At dinner time, Mark has a plate of vegetables with a glass of milk. He finishes his day the same way he starts it, with another TWINKIE!
Professor Mark is consuming less calories than before, but he's still trying to figure out if the diet is healthy or not. He says (WARNING: DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS PART. COVER YOUR EYES WITH A TWINKIE), "I think there are many ways to achieve weight loss, this might be one if it suits somebody's lifestyle. I don't recommend it, I don't promote it, but it's an examination into (the fact) there is more than one way to achieve the path to weight loss, and this is one."
Finally, a diet I can get behind and fully endorse! Yes, my teefs will turn to rot and fall out of my head, but who needs them! Not me. Just gum that Twinkie!
Source: CTV via Fark
Tommy Lee Jones Jill Flint Timothy Olyphant Mark Harmon

Miley Cyrus is getting really slutty

Between the trampy shorts and heels Miley Cyrus wore yesterday, and the invisible shirt she changed into to go out with bff Demi Lovato, we?ve seen like 98 percent of Miley in the last 24 hours. It makes you think it’s gonna be game on after she turns 18 in two months (November [...]Michael Fassbender Anna Nicole Smith Nicholas Hoult Tommy Lee Jones

Voltron Concept Art: When Transformers Meets Thundercats [PICS]

Surprisingly they don?t look bad. Take a look?Tisha Campbell Jennifer Holland Ben Affleck Tim Matheson

Pwn My Life: Issue #28

Ever had a moment so nerdy that you needed to tell the Internet about it? Read more nerd confessions at Dorkly.com, and send your submissions to dorklypwnmylife at gmail.I went to Karaoke and told my friend I wanted to sing Amish Paradise. He misheard me and submitted Gangsta's Paradise. I sang Amish Paradise anyway, with no help from the monitor. -MaxI recently got a rib cage tattoo that takes up my entire side. It's a Harry Potter quote, translated into Latin. I tell everyone it's a Kurt Vonnegut quote from Slaughterhouse Five so they'll think I'm deep instead of nerdy. Also, I chose to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter instead of Europe for my graduation present.-Anonymous Girl

Written 2010-09-14 16:00:00
by Kevin Corrigan
from Rowan University

Vincent D\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Onofrio Tisha Campbell Jennifer Holland Ben Affleck

Elle's Editor-In-Chief Explains Gabby's Cover Controversy

Robbie Myers, the editor-in-chief at Elle, wants to set the record straight in hopes to end all the skin lightening accusations that are being made over Gabourey Sidibe's cover.
Myers said at the Oscar de la Renta fashion show this week:
"It's not a controversy. What's so sad about it is that people have not looked [...]Bon Jovi Jennifer Lopez Ben Stiller Kevin Garnett

Katy Perry Responds To Russell Brand's Arrest!

After her fiancee was detained by authorities at Los Angeles International Airport on Friday for getting into a physical altercation with the paparazzi, Katy Perry took to her Twitter to explain what happened with Russell Brand.
She Tweeted:
"If you cross the line & try an put a lens up my dress, my fianc� will do his [...]Judge Judy Sheindlin Howard Stern Tyler Perry Fernando Alonso

More Accurate Titles for This Fall's New TV Shows

Written 2010-09-17 16:00:00
by Andrew Bridgman
from Purdue University

Sandra Bullock Bruce Willis Britney Spears Natalya Rudakova

Lindsay Has A Date - In Court!

We are hearing that La Loca Lohan may have a probation violation hearing for testing positive for cocaine and failing multiple drug tests as soon as this coming week!
The judge is pissed.
Have a great weekend, fuckup Lindsay!

Shannon Tweed Vincent D\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Onofrio Tisha Campbell Jennifer Holland

Friday, September 17, 2010

Voltron Concept Art: When Transformers Meets Thundercats [PICS]

Surprisingly they don?t look bad. Take a look?Dale Earnhardt Jr. Bon Jovi Jennifer Lopez Ben Stiller

9 Most Iconic Songs from the World of Sports (Audio)

Love 'em or hate 'em, these songs have been so hardwired into the brains of sports fans that even the first bar of "We Will Rock You" will make a sports fan drool...or at least stand up and scream.Gisele Bundchen Gwyneth Paltrow Tyra Banks Serena Williams

Katy Perry had a little trouble with her skirt

Katy Perry and her fiance Russell Brand had lunch in Silverlake yesterday, and as Katy got into her car, the wind blew her flimsy little skirt up. And so I saved all the pictures in an excited tizzy, and then published them on the internet. On a somewhat related topic, my dad [...]Jon Stewart Justine Henin Judd Apatow Kate Moss

Completely Gratuitous.

Lick and LICK!
Check out this RIDICULOUSLY sexy shot of Jeremy Renner from the latest issue of GQ!
Good lord, look at those arms!
You can manhandle us with those muscles any day of the week, bb!
Bon Jovi Jennifer Lopez Ben Stiller Kevin Garnett

Kelly Preston Shows Off Baby Bump

Bump it up! Mom-to-be Kelly Preston made a glowing entrance at the Toronto Film Festival on Thursday night as she showcased her baby belly.Jaden Smith Robert Pattinson Lindsay Lohan Christina Aguilera

Pokemon Gets an Amazing, Fake Grity Reboot Trailer

Shogun Gamer's recent post presenting a completely fake (but presented as mysterious and possibly real) live-action Pok�mon film shows off a gritty take on adorable pocket monsters that's full of guns, grit and pretty girls.Alex Rodriguez Jerry Seinfeld 50 Cent Kanye West

John Ritter Really Was An Awesome Dude

Seven years ago, John Ritter collapsed on the set of his sitcom, '8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter' and died later that day of an undiagnosed aortic dissection. His widow Amy Yasbeck has penned 'With Love and Laughter,' a beautiful and heartfelt memoir of her life with John that gives us a glimpse of what type of guy he really was. Turns out he was as terrific as you thought. Ritter left behind three children from a first marriage and a daughter with Yasbeck, named Stella, who turned five the day her dad died.Matt Damon Dale Earnhardt Jr. Bon Jovi Jennifer Lopez

The Making of The Empire Strikes Back trailer

If you're a Star Wars fanboy/fangirl, you'll be in agreement that The Empire Strikes Back is the greatest movie ever made. No debate. It just is. Anyone who disagrees is Bantha Poodoo. Following the amazing Making of Star Wars Book, J.W. Rinzler has done the same for Empire and the results look incredible.Rachael Ray Cate Blanchett Heidi Klum Carrie Underwood

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Liam Neeson Finds Love Again

Timothy Dalton Ellen Page Dakota Fanning Joseph Gordon-Levitt

David Archuleta gets on with the show

...and he helped to raise some serious cash! AI alum David Archuleta and a team of celebrity supporters- including Enrique Iglesias, Five For Fighting, OneRepublic, and the cast of Glee- performed for the 2010 Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon. What was it all about?
read moreTom Cruise Jay Leno Sean Diddy Combs Stephen King

Twitchange with Sophia, Demi, and more

Twitter has become a pop culture phenomenon, and many of us are guilty of signing up with the mere hope that one of our favorite celebrities will actually tweet us back. But do you think a star like Kim Kardashian is going to tweet you out of her 6 million followers? Here is the solution?TwitChange.
read moreMichael Nouri Jurnee Smollett Ryan Reynolds Shirley MacLaine

How Much $$$ Is The Cast Of Jersey Shore Pulling For Appearances?

As we're sure you've noticed, the cast of Jersey Shore is in demand right now, and these guidos and guidettes are smart enough to know to strike while the iron is hot, and therefore are pulling in some serious ca$h!
The Situation is apparently pulling in the most, with his appearance on Dancing With The Stars [...]Brad Pitt Will Smith Justin Timberlake Steven Spielberg

David Archuleta gets on with the show

...and he helped to raise some serious cash! AI alum David Archuleta and a team of celebrity supporters- including Enrique Iglesias, Five For Fighting, OneRepublic, and the cast of Glee- performed for the 2010 Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon. What was it all about?
read moreJ.K. Rowling Brad Pitt Will Smith Justin Timberlake

Penelope Cruz & Javier Bardem Expecting

The Police J.K. Rowling Brad Pitt Will Smith

9 Most Embarrassing Sports Celebrity Endorsements (Videos)

At least the work they did was always tasteful and top-tier. Wait. No it wasn?t. The items below are glorious examples of bad ideas, bad acting, and bad timing by many of the biggest names in sports.Salma Hayek Miley Cyrus Robert Redford Tom Hanks

The 9 Players on Every College Football Team

#1: The YouTube SensationHave a car? This guy will jump over it. Got a phone book? He'll tear it in half. He'll record it all and toss it up on YouTube, where hundreds of thousands of people will watch the video. One thing they won't be watching, though: video of his football highlights. He doesn't have any. Somehow being able to beat a horse in a foot race and grab a quarter off the top of a basketball backboard hasn't translated into on-field success for this guy. Oh, well. He wouldn't give up even a single �Like- or comment on YouTube for a 12-season NFL career, so he's happy.#2: The Fan FavoriteHe might not be the best player on the team � in fact, he might be the worst player who makes it onto the field with any regularity � but he �plays the game the right way.- This walk-on is �all hustle and scrappiness,- and �never gives up on a play.- Sure he might not �play on Sundays after he graduates,- but fans love this young man's �enthusiasm and love for the game.- Oh, and in case you hadn't already figured it out, this player is almost always �white.-

Written 2010-09-15 15:00:00
by Sports Pickle

0 likeso far Be the first!

Gisele Bundchen Gwyneth Paltrow Tyra Banks Serena Williams

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Crazy 85 MPH Moped Stunt (Video)

Before you wonder how anyone could perform a stunt like that without wearing a helmet, remember, he bought a Moped. He's already given up on life.Demi Lovato Andy Garcia James McAvoy Josh Hutcherson

Exclusive: Wanda De Jesus Ordered Off Law and Order: Los Angeles

Jaden Smith Robert Pattinson Lindsay Lohan Christina Aguilera

The Social Network Review: A movie about our need to be accepted

There?s more than a film here; there?s a comment. There are a finite number of slots on a baseball team roster, only so many seats available at the cool kids table, and we all want to be offered that last spot.Selena Gomez Maria Canals Salma Hayek Miley Cyrus

Overheard on Xbox: Issue #17

Ever hear something horrible and/or hilarious on Xbox Live? Send your submissions to overheardonxbox at gmail. OK, so I was playing a Team Slayer match on Halo 3. Every once in a while, I could hear someone saying �Nice job!- And after could hear a baby laughing. I asked what he was doing and who he was talking to, and he said, �I'm teaching my 2 year old how to play.- This 2 year old beat us all with 24 kills. -PhillipIn the lobby of a Halo 3 match The game is about to begin and I hear one opponent say, �Dude hurry up, the match is about to start.� His friend on another account responds, �Don't worry I'm peeing out the window, almost done.- -CodyA few weeks ago my roommate and I were playing MW2 on PSN. We joined a game and the first thing we hear is a pre-pubescent African American boy telling another player that, �even though my balls ain't dropped, they still bigger than yours!- We laughed and encouraged him as he continued to tear the other guy apart with language that would make a construction worker blush. Right before the game started the object of our taunts told us to �F**K OFF,- and dropped out. After that, the kid sang �Oops, I did it Again,- for the entire match. I would adopt him if I could. -Drew�You're such a sexy piece of foreskin!- -Jake

Written 2010-09-14 15:28:00
by Dorkly

0 likeso far Be the first!

Daniel Radcliffe Alicia Keys Gisele Bundchen Gwyneth Paltrow

Did Cheryl Tweedy Snub Nadine?!

Oh, great!
Tensions have reportedly escalated between Nadine Coyle and Cheryl Tweedy after Tweedy never responded to a text from her former bandmate!
Coyle claimed that when she heard of Tweedy's recent bout with malaria, she extended an olive branch!
She explains:
"I don't know, I really don't know. I texted to make sure she was alright and [...]Robert Redford Tom Hanks Taylor Lautner David Suchet

Only Way BASE Jumper Can Get Thrill These Days Is By Jumping Tandem With Endangered Species

Sandra Bullock Bruce Willis Britney Spears Natalya Rudakova

Party In The Front, Party In The Back

What's that old saying that Anna Wintour says every season while on of her many girl slaves meticulously scrubs the scuff marks out of her sunglasses (still on her face) with a cashmere baby wipe? Oh yeah, she says, "It's not fucking NYC Fashion Week without CoCo." This is a fact. So luckily Fashion Week was saved this afternoon when the real CoCo of fashion (a Chanel anvil is going to fall on my ass in 3..2..) tucked her camel toe and walked the runway at the Sachika Twins show.
Nevermind the fact that CoCo's suddenly chiseled jawline looks like she's been chewing on barbels, I've never noticed before that her chichi and nalgas areas are almost identical! They both look like two beluga whale heads bumping against each other.
And thanks to Coco, I think we've found a candidate for 2010's slut dress. Put in your orders now (or just visit your local Frederick's outlet where I'm sure they have one in every color).
Daniel Radcliffe Alicia Keys Gisele Bundchen Gwyneth Paltrow

Lindsay Topless!!!!

Someone's looking [fill in the blank] and letting her boob hang out!!!
CLICK HERE to view the NSFW uncensored photo!!!
CLICK HERE to view the NSFW uncensored photo!!!
CLICK HERE to view the NSFW uncensored photo!!!

Vin Diesel Anna Paquin Will Ferrell Leonardo DiCaprio

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Party In The Front, Party In The Back

What's that old saying that Anna Wintour says every season while on of her many girl slaves meticulously scrubs the scuff marks out of her sunglasses (still on her face) with a cashmere baby wipe? Oh yeah, she says, "It's not fucking NYC Fashion Week without CoCo." This is a fact. So luckily Fashion Week was saved this afternoon when the real CoCo of fashion (a Chanel anvil is going to fall on my ass in 3..2..) tucked her camel toe and walked the runway at the Sachika Twins show.
Nevermind the fact that CoCo's suddenly chiseled jawline looks like she's been chewing on barbels, I've never noticed before that her chichi and nalgas areas are almost identical! They both look like two beluga whale heads bumping against each other.
And thanks to Coco, I think we've found a candidate for 2010's slut dress. Put in your orders now (or just visit your local Frederick's outlet where I'm sure they have one in every color).
Sterling Knight Jet Li Alice Eve Jean-Claude Van Damme

Ford?s Newest Offering: The 1993 Ford Taurus

Strapped for cash? Hope is on the way!Dr. Phil McGraw Tom Cruise Jay Leno Sean Diddy Combs

Heidi Montags bikini fell off (note: not really)

Heidi Montag is back in LA now, but today there are sexy new paparazzi pictures of her in Costa Rica last week. As you can see in the picture above, she was frolicking in the ocean with a photographer, as people do, when a wave crashed in and took her bikini top off!
Waaiit, [...]David Suchet Vin Diesel Anna Paquin Will Ferrell

10 Things Every Viral Video Director Should Know

10. Say 'No' to Slow-Motion Replays Every video player has a timeline. If someone wants to watch an infant crash his tricycle into a telephone pole over and over, they can. It's very easy. All you do by adding three slow-motion replays to a video is diminish the viewers reaction and make the video look like it was edited by a 14-year-old. Replays should only be used if they reveal something that can't otherwise be seen.9. If it's Fake, Make it Foreign There's a reason so many insane videos come from Eastern Europe: they have no laws and everyone is crazy. Setting your video in Armenia raises its believability by 50%

Written 2010-09-10 14:00:00
by Kevin Corrigan
from Rowan University

Kanye West Celine Dion Dr. Phil McGraw Tom Cruise

Human Pac-Man Performance (Video)

Jackson Rathbone Penélope Cruz Adrien Brody M. Night Shyamalan

5 Comedy Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

Seeing as how terrestrial radio is dying fast, there is an influx of content to sift through out there on the interweb. For you comedy radiophiles out there, it wont get any better than these 5. I assure you.LeBron James Jennifer Aniston Michael Jordan Kobe Bryant

Incredible Star Wars Propaganda Posters [pics]

Loose lips sink starships!Vanessa Williams Tina Fey Paula Deen Naomi Watts

The 7 People You See in Your Dorm Bathroom

Oh, hey! No, I'm not doing anything right now. Just sitting around in a room with oddly echo-y acoustics. This is a perfect time to talk about every single one of the courses I'm thinking about taking next semester. Oh, no, that's not running water you hear. That's rain. It's raining. Yeah, it's crazy how the weather can be so different just 5 miles away. I am literally expelling waste from my bowels as I say these words and you don't know it! But, the three other people in the bathroom right now know it. After I finally cover the speaker and flush, I will emerge from the stall and avoid eye contact with that guy washing his dishes while I leave the bathroom without washing my hands. Ugh, I hate when people leave those little globs of toothpaste in the sink. I mean, some people have to wash their Britta filter and their singular bowl and fork here. I guess I'll just leave chunks of dehydrated Cup Noodle chicken in the drain as my revenge. I think that's fitting. It's pretty amazing how hard it is to get dried Easy Mac cheese off of a fork. It might be because I'm washing it with hand soap instead of dish soap, but, hey, soap is soap, right? Yeah, I see you waiting to brush your teeth, but I'm not going to hurry up. Instead I'm going to hold this fork under the faucet for another 10 minutes before giving up and deciding to just steal a new fork from the dining hall.HAHA, suckers! You can use the shower with the burnt out lightbulb and the constant 6 inch pool of hairy soap water or the one with a shower head that just drools on your head, but you can't use the good shower because it's all mine and I am going to straight ZONE OUT for a half hour in here. I'm not even going to vaguely lather or rinse. I'm just going to stare at that one long strand of hair on the wall until I hear you give up and get in the gross shower. Then, and only then, will I get out. Will I quickly leave the bathroom so you can switch from the gross shower to the good shower mid shampoo and experience that moment of defeat in peace? No. I'm going to go make the edges of all of the toilet paper rolls inexplicably damp. Yes. I'm the one who does that.

Written 2010-09-07 18:00:00
by Susanna Wolff
from Columbia University

Ellen DeGeneres Sarah Jessica Parker Katherine Heigl Regis Philbin

Monday, September 13, 2010

David Archuleta gets on with the show

...and he helped to raise some serious cash! AI alum David Archuleta and a team of celebrity supporters- including Enrique Iglesias, Five For Fighting, OneRepublic, and the cast of Glee- performed for the 2010 Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon. What was it all about?
read moreMaria Canals Salma Hayek Miley Cyrus Robert Redford

Arrested Development Movie Meets The Simpsons (PIC)

Looks like the Arrested Development movie is fast on its way of becoming a reality. What better way to celebrate than to remake the characters in the same vain as The Simpsons Movie.Kanye West Celine Dion Dr. Phil McGraw Tom Cruise

Halle Berry has taken a new lover

Halle Berry has been seen a lot with ex boyfriend Gabriel Aubry lately, which sort of makes sense since they dated for 4 years and had a little girl together in 2008, but since they broke up in April, she hasn?t had much of a social life. ?Will this gorgeous millionaire with big [...]Tyler Perry Fernando Alonso Leonardo DiCaprio Donald Trump

105%: Issue One Hundred and Thirty Six

Made from concentrateI bet Dreamworks co-founder David Geffen hated Pig Latin.-Conor McKeon (@AConorMcKeon)Today I joined the Illiterate Acronym Lovers Association or as we like to call it: The KBH-Alex Ringgaard (@AlexRinggaard)You shouldn't throw stones in a glass house. Pooping probably isn't a great idea either.-Caldwell Tanner (@caldy)It's a shame someone has to die for a park bench to get made.-Andrew CaudillAdivinadme estoDoes the Spanish Riddler's tie have an upside down question mark?-Charlie RaymondA group of dyslexic Canadian mounties were framed for a crime they didn't commit...They are...The Team, Eh?-Andrew Bridgman (@AndyBridgman)#1 vacation spot for Italian-American hobbitsThe Jersey Shire-Zach Hod (@ZachHod)This guy told me there might not be bananas in 10 years because of a fungus. I was like, "Wow, I wish I was talking to a girl."-Adam Newman (@Adam_Newman)Click here to submit your own 105%. Or tweet joke @CH105percent on Twitter

Written 2010-09-10 14:00:00
by 105%-O-Matic
from Bucks County Community College

Collette Wolfe Michael Fassbender Anna Nicole Smith Nicholas Hoult

Celebs huddle to fight hunger

Perhaps it's a match made in heaven in a sports and food lover's world. Or a prime example of celebs gone good. Or both! Tomorrow, on September 8, Sportscaster Erin Andrews and football icon Joe Montana will help kick off Kraft Foods' annual anti-hunger event. Joining them will also be The Neelys of Down Home with the Neelys on the Food Network. Check out the video after the jump ? and learn why this causey gathering will be so delicious!
read moreMegan Fox Jaden Smith Robert Pattinson Lindsay Lohan

Math Blaster: Rated "M" For Math

Written 2010-09-10 16:30:00
by Matt Powers
from Pennsylvania State University

Reese Witherspoon Maria Sharapova Ryan Seacrest Gwen Stefani

Star Wars The Old Republic: Rare 1977 Harrison Ford Interview Emerges

Wearing lapels as wide as the Millennium Falcon itself, Mr. Ford actually seems gracious about the budding fantasy franchise and complimentary to its creator, George Lucas, telling his interviewer that though he doesn?t regard himself as the Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon type, the film works because ?it?s finally about people and not finally about science, so the energy of the movie goes towards exploring these human relationships.?Timothy Olyphant Mark Harmon Lisa Rinna Sterling Knight

Old Farts Singing the Bed Intruder Song

The lifecycle of a viral video goes something like this: Youtube sensation to Urlesque.com to remix to Autotune to the inevitable appearances on theAlex Rodriguez Jerry Seinfeld 50 Cent Kanye West

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The 15 Worst Jobs in Sports

In this economy, it's nice just to have a job. Except maybe these sports job.#1 -- Dugout CleanerThe next time you watch a baseball game, pay attention to the players in the dugout. They're great at putting things in their mouths, but they're physically incapable of keeping them there. Sunflower seeds, tobacco juice, swishes of Gatorade ... they all get spat back onto the dugout floor until they form a thick sluice of disgustingness. By the bottom of the ninth inning, everyone's spikes-deep in a goo so foul that it's right on the verge of becoming a sentient being and attacking the clubhouse, and it's someone's job to clean it up. Did you get it all clean, guy? Great! Savor this moment. There are only 80 more home games this season!This person's second job: Port-a-John repairman.

Written 2010-09-08 15:00:00
by Sports Pickle


David Suchet Vin Diesel Anna Paquin Will Ferrell

The 7 People You See in Your Dorm Bathroom

Oh, hey! No, I'm not doing anything right now. Just sitting around in a room with oddly echo-y acoustics. This is a perfect time to talk about every single one of the courses I'm thinking about taking next semester. Oh, no, that's not running water you hear. That's rain. It's raining. Yeah, it's crazy how the weather can be so different just 5 miles away. I am literally expelling waste from my bowels as I say these words and you don't know it! But, the three other people in the bathroom right now know it. After I finally cover the speaker and flush, I will emerge from the stall and avoid eye contact with that guy washing his dishes while I leave the bathroom without washing my hands. Ugh, I hate when people leave those little globs of toothpaste in the sink. I mean, some people have to wash their Britta filter and their singular bowl and fork here. I guess I'll just leave chunks of dehydrated Cup Noodle chicken in the drain as my revenge. I think that's fitting. It's pretty amazing how hard it is to get dried Easy Mac cheese off of a fork. It might be because I'm washing it with hand soap instead of dish soap, but, hey, soap is soap, right? Yeah, I see you waiting to brush your teeth, but I'm not going to hurry up. Instead I'm going to hold this fork under the faucet for another 10 minutes before giving up and deciding to just steal a new fork from the dining hall.HAHA, suckers! You can use the shower with the burnt out lightbulb and the constant 6 inch pool of hairy soap water or the one with a shower head that just drools on your head, but you can't use the good shower because it's all mine and I am going to straight ZONE OUT for a half hour in here. I'm not even going to vaguely lather or rinse. I'm just going to stare at that one long strand of hair on the wall until I hear you give up and get in the gross shower. Then, and only then, will I get out. Will I quickly leave the bathroom so you can switch from the gross shower to the good shower mid shampoo and experience that moment of defeat in peace? No. I'm going to go make the edges of all of the toilet paper rolls inexplicably damp. Yes. I'm the one who does that.

Written 2010-09-07 18:00:00
by Susanna Wolff
from Columbia University

Vin Diesel Anna Paquin Will Ferrell Leonardo DiCaprio