Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mimi Goes Down In Singapore

While performing at the F1 Singapore Grand Prix, Mimi slipped on stage and gracefully floated to the floor like a true melodramatic diva. Seriously, it looks like the whispers of a zillion butterflies, the wings of a dozen imaginary angels and the rays of a rainbow softly guided her to the floor. That is serious dramatic theatrics right there. When Mimi falls, she always imagines that there's a pink velvet settee just waiting to catch her.
Then Mimi's dancer hiked up their weight lifting belts, said a silent prayer that their chiropractor can fit them in the next day and pulled her probably pregnant ass off the floor. The best part is when Mimi calls her assistant out to get her heels off so she doesn't give her Hello Fetus a case of vertigo by free falling again. Ha. If Margo Channing was based on a Lisa Frank drawing, she'd be just like Mimi.
There's more clips of Mimi's performance at ONTD.
Ellen DeGeneres Sarah Jessica Parker Katherine Heigl Regis Philbin

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