Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Tiffany/Debbie Gibson Catfight We've All Been Waiting For

Syfy barely announced last month that Tiffany and Debbie Gibson will battle it out in the soon-to-be masterpiece Mega Python vs. Gatoroid, and they have already released a clip of their fight to the death which starts in some VIP tent and ends in the swamp. This mess features more panty flashes and creamy loads to the chest than one of Gay Al Reynold's tea parties. It finally ends with Debbie Gibson snatching Tiffany's signature line.
And I do love seeing a bitch throw another ho through a strategically placed stack of champagne glasses, but there are bigger things to worry about! Like the fact that Mega Python gave birth to two babies that are attacking Tiffany's mouth!
Kevin Garnett James Patterson Rush Limbaugh Reese Witherspoon

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