Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ke$ha: Inspired by Transvestites

Ke$ha is inspired by transvestites. In a new interview with Paper Magazine, she says: "Trannies make me want to be a better woman. I see these men who have way better bodies than I do, more beautiful faces, better complexions, beautiful makeup, and they're more fun than any person I've met in my life. They make me feel like I'm not a very good woman." That's an unusual point of view from an unusual artist. Let's take a look at what else Ke$ha had to say to that publication: On trying country music: I love Dolly Parton and Johnny Cash. I think at some point there might be some country collaborations or records in the future. But I'm also really digging being called, like half jokingly, a white girl rapper. I think it's really funny and I'm going to ride that train for a little bit. On one of her favorite things: I wouldn't say I'm aggressive, but I'm a pervert. I have a gold Trans Am and my favorite thing to do in the world is to drive around blasting Zeppelin or Sabbath, cat calling dudes. It doesn't work, but it's fun. On her favorite drinks: I like whiskey and I like red wine -  those are my two favorites. I love to lie around my house listening to vinyl records and drinking red wine. It's amazing. Paula Deen Naomi Watts Angelina Jolie Scarlett Johansson

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