Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Match Made In Leopard Print Hell

Jackie Collins is going to choke a bitch out when she finds out that her favorite writin' slippers are now on the perfectly manicured precious feet of Kourtney Kardashian's baby daddy Scott Di(the "s" is silen)sick. Here's Kourtney and Scott sashaying through NYC yesterday while forcing leopards everywhere to take a bottle of Miss Clairol to their fur.
If Scott is trying to look like a wheezy old queen (Thank you, Alec Baldwin) from Palm Beach who only takes off his leopard slippers so that his hairless South American pool boy can polish his toe nails with one hand while massaging coconut oil into his balls with the other, he's doing it all wrong! Wheezy old queens don't shirts like that! Get yourself a white linen embroidered tunic, Scott! Fuck!
Anna Paquin Will Ferrell Leonardo DiCaprio James Franco

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