Saturday, July 31, 2010

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! [pic]

Arnold Schwarzenegger and President George H.W. Bush go sledding outside Camp David in 1991.Laura Dern Djimon Hounsou Maria Conchita Alonso Demi Moore

Bullock Wants to Be Removed From Oil Spill Campaign

Sandra Bullock wants to withdraw from her involvement in a celebrity-filled campaign seeking to draw attention to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico amid questions about the corporate sponsorship of the group organizing the campaign.Penélope Cruz Adrien Brody M. Night Shyamalan Marisa Tomei

A Match Made In Leopard Print Hell

Jackie Collins is going to choke a bitch out when she finds out that her favorite writin' slippers are now on the perfectly manicured precious feet of Kourtney Kardashian's baby daddy Scott Di(the "s" is silen)sick. Here's Kourtney and Scott sashaying through NYC yesterday while forcing leopards everywhere to take a bottle of Miss Clairol to their fur.
If Scott is trying to look like a wheezy old queen (Thank you, Alec Baldwin) from Palm Beach who only takes off his leopard slippers so that his hairless South American pool boy can polish his toe nails with one hand while massaging coconut oil into his balls with the other, he's doing it all wrong! Wheezy old queens don't shirts like that! Get yourself a white linen embroidered tunic, Scott! Fuck!
Anna Paquin Will Ferrell Leonardo DiCaprio James Franco

Evolutionary Debate

Archangel Gabriel: Sup Bro Magnon? We're just about ready to finalize these plans for evolution. You wanna take a peek? It's got everything you wanted to know about how you'll be in the future.Ugg: The intelligent design blueprints! Awesome, let's see them.Gabriel: So, first thing's first: Your skull is terrifying. It looks pregnant.Ugg: Now, wait just a sec�Gabriel: Ever wonder if there is a teensy, tiny skull baby in there?Ugg: What?!Gabriel: I mean, I'm not a doctor or anything, but, yeah, we're going to need to fix that, along with all of that hair, too.Ugg: ... Hang on, you're not saying we're going to be bald, right?Gabriel: No, no. You'll keep hair on your head and some on your face and chest and stuff. Of course, there will be luscious tufts under your arms, too.Ugg: We're keeping the armpit hair? Why?Gabriel: The ladies! They love it!Ugg: Won't it just be disgusting? Like a horrifying nest of sweat and heat?Gabriel: Yeah right! When you're freezing your ass off in the next Ice Age, you'll be saying, �Thank God I have these wonderfully toasty pits. And thank Gabriel, too. That dude's the BOMB."Ugg: (Sigh) What else is there?

Written 2010-07-27 17:00:00
by Christine Jordan
from Columbia University

Jonas Brothers Howie Mandel Wolfgang Puck Zac Efron

Dating, It's Complicated: Issue #59

Dating someone? Well great! Send your craziest, funniest, most embarrassing dating related stories to me using this cool automatic submission form! If I take longer than 5 minutes to reply to my girlfriend's text she calls me pissed off and tells me I am a horrible boyfriend. On the other hand, if I reply too fast she assumes that I am texting other girls. I'm confused on what to do.-CoreyI had a girlfriend who would get upset whenever I scratched my balls, not because she thought scratching was gross, but because she thought I was “jerking it” every time I scratched-AndyMy ex-girlfriend who I’m still in love with calls me like clockwork about every 3 months to tell me she wants to be friends and hang out. Of course I’m a sucker and say ok. About 2 weeks later she stops answering my calls and tells me she is too busy to even answer a text. This is right after she gets a new boyfriend. This has been happening for over 2 years.-MarkI went on an end of semester trip to Las Vegas with my girlfriend and a bunch of friends from high school. On the flight in, the stewardess came around and asked if we wanted to join the SkyMiles club, which is the airline's customer loyalty program. My girlfriend was very intrigued by the idea. On the last day of our trip, our flight left first and as we were saying goodbye to our friends, my buddy suggested we join the "Mile High Club". My girlfriend excitedly said "I know! I really want to! It would definitely give us a reason to fly more!" She's adorable.-Jeremy

Written 2010-07-29 16:00:00
by Jason
from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Gwyneth Paltrow Tyra Banks Serena Williams Eva Longoria Parker

Breaking News: Ellen DeGeneres Out On Idol

Selena Gomez Maria Canals Salma Hayek Miley Cyrus

the Other Guys

……………………………. SPONSORED POST ……………………………
In ?The Other Guys?, Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg are average NYPD cops who have to step up and fill in for supercops Dwayne Johnson and Samuel L. Jackson. It?s a daunting challenge, one it turns out they?re not prepared to handle, because Johnson and Jackson are way better than [...]Simon Cowell Roger Federer Alex Rodriguez Jerry Seinfeld

Leonardo DiCaprio's Life in Photos

The from the inception of Leo till now. I'm sure the ladies will hope to see some of these images in their dreams.Phil Mickelson Madonna Simon Cowell Roger Federer

Al Gore Cleared Of Sexual Assault Charges!

Good news for Al Gore!
He's been cleared of all sexual assault charges in the case against Portland massage therapist Molly Hagerty.
The Portland Police and Multnomah County District Attorney announced Friday that "they have recommended…that there be no criminal prosecution" due to the fact that Hagerty failed to provide records related to the case, failed a [...]David Letterman LeBron James Jennifer Aniston Michael Jordan

tyler has sexy readers (but no vote this week)

So I used to post scandalous pictures of the sexy readers on facebook before the 500 dollar contest thing on Friday (details here), but facebook is run by nerds who have spent their lives with hot girls never ever having sex with them, and yesterday they exacted their revenge by shutting our page down. [...]Jurnee Smollett Ryan Reynolds Shirley MacLaine Nicole Kidman

Snooki was arrested today for public drunkenness

Even at her best Snooki looks like someone just drew a face on a thumb, but today the lucky residents of Seaside Heights in New Jersey got to see regular Snooki and drooling Snooki in handcuffs and with her diaper riding up to expose her ass. Because she was so drunk this afternoon [...]James Franco Natalie L. James Mara Wilson Jackson Rathbone

Tubby Telly Man

Can you spot Paul Yarrow? The stocky balding man has so far appeared on British TV more than 100 times this year, in news reports for BBC1, ITV, Channel 4, Sky News and Al Jazeera. The trouble is none of the channels wanted him there.Jonas Brothers Howie Mandel Wolfgang Puck Zac Efron

Caption Contest July 27, 2010

Submit your caption in the comments and make sure to read below for last week's winners!

Written 2010-07-27 14:00:00
by CH Staff

0 likeso far Be the first!

Vanessa Williams Tina Fey Paula Deen Naomi Watts

Lanesia Garcia: Pregnant By Levi Johnston?!

Already famous for impregnating Bristol Palin two summers ago, Levi Johnston now finds himself embroiled in another baby scandal, according to reports. The National Enquirer says Levi may have knocked up one of his old girlfriends during the period of estrangement between his two engagements to Bristol. Levi and Bristol just got back together and engaged, ostensibly out of love and a desire to raise son Tripp together, but also to make some serious loot. But if his ex-girlfriend, Lanesia Garcia, is really pregnant with his child pregnant - and she believes Levi is the daddy - that could be a tough obstacle. Of course, it's still very much unclear if the child was sired by the Playgirl model. To put it nicely, Lanesia apparently gets around ... like a record. BABY DADDY RELOADED? Levi better hope he shot blanks this time. “Levi insists the baby isn’t his, but no one really knows,” a source said. “Levi is one of three possible fathers with Lanesia the probably week of conception.” Three in one week? Wow, she sounds like a girl who really has her act together. Guess there's not a lot to do in Alaska ... well, besides Lanesia Garcia. Still, friends of Bristol Palin say she is “heartbroken” after learning her fiancé might become a baby daddy with another girl, Radar Online reports today. A Palin family rep says that “no official decision has been made” about the future of the couple, who are now communicating only “by text message.” We can't wait until Sarah gets on Twitter to comment on this. Her critique of Obama for going on The View this week will seem tame by comparison.Jennifer Lopez Ben Stiller Kevin Garnett James Patterson


Written 2010-07-27 13:00:00
by Cyanide & Happiness


Josh Hutcherson Jessica Biel Kyra Sedgwick Vanessa Hudgens

JLo and Steven Tyler are the new American Idol judges

Bored indifference is sweeping the nation today because there’s been a series of reports, breaking one after another, about the new judges panel for American Idol.
First Ellen DeGeneres announced on her twitter she was leaving after just one year, then Kara DioGuardi was fired so the show could go back to the [...]Leonardo DiCaprio James Franco Natalie L. James Mara Wilson

Friday, July 30, 2010

Celeb Moms Talk TheTalk

As celebrity moms unite for a new daytime talk show &#151 appropriately named The Talk -- fans can expect to see a whole other side of the cohosts.Tommy Lee Jones Jill Flint Timothy Olyphant Mark Harmon

Lindsay Lohan continues to humiliate herself

It seemed impossible, but Lindsay Lohan has sunk even lower into the gutter, because just before she went to jail, and while she still had her SCRAM bracelet on, she filmed a scene for the Underground Comedy Movie, directed by and starring Vince the Sham Wow Guy.

And it’s not even a new movie. [...]Mel Gibson Megan Fox Jaden Smith Robert Pattinson

Kelly Brook is a trouble maker

Kelly Brook went to the dentist today in LA, and the temptation to knock her out and rape her had to be just unbearable. It is anyway, I could see her in a police station and I might try it, but to have her walk into your life wearing some flimsy little dress [...]Maria Sharapova Ryan Seacrest Gwen Stefani Daniel Radcliffe

Dina Lohan: Lindsay Treated Like a "Common Criminal" in the Slammer

If you were worried that Lindsay Lohan was getting the VIP treatment in prison, don't be. The star's mom Dina, who visited her yesterday, says it's not true. Dina went to see Lindsay with her sister Ali Lohan and her ex, Samanthan Ronson, then slammed reports that the 24-year-old is enjoying perks behind bars. "She doesn't have cell phone privileges, that's absurd," Dina said, referring to reports no one actually printed. "She doesn't even have a pillow to sleep on." Aww. Sad. They can't even touch each other, either! "I talk to her through glass. There's a phone and we put her on speaker. I can't even hug my daughter," Dina laments. "She's treated like a common criminal." Which she is. One who drives drunk and recklessly, then can't even make it to one freaking alcohol education meeting a week. She got hers. Just saying. Lindsay has the support of her mom and sister, who we expect will be in Lynwood Correctional Facility herself one day. [Photos:] Dina acknowledged, however, that Lindsay is being treated well: "I have to say that the people inside have been pretty cool to her, guards and the inmates." The Mean Girls star has been behind bars since July 20. The date of her release from jail is still unclear, although it is likely to be sooner rather than later. Whenever she leaves, the star must report to rehab immediately. Her lawyer is trying to get her a temporary delay before checking in, but don't bet on it. In any event, Lohan will likely be out of the slammer in under three weeks. Not bad for a 90-day jail sentence. Hopefully it's long enough to learn a lesson. Do you think she's ready to be set free? Tim Matheson Brian Austin Green Wesley Snipes Sandra Bullock

The Laugh Factory: Funny Or Die

The site that launched with a 2-year-old Landlord has become a celebrity magnet.Roger Federer Alex Rodriguez Jerry Seinfeld 50 Cent

Parents Just Don't Understand: 7/28

Do your parents not understand technology? Do they ask you stupid questions? Do they send you absurd text messages? Do they use words like "MyFace,""SpaceBook,"or "The World Wide Web?" If you've got an example of your Parents Just Don't Understanding, submit it here! And thank God we'll never be as dumb as they are!Every morning, my dad sends a picture text message of something random he sees (a tree, a bridge, a car) to my entire family. He calls this his "blog."Andi S from TuftsMy grandfather is doing fairly well for an 86-year-old. He has successfully mastered his HD TV, TiVo, cell, facebook, he set up his own wireless internet, and in an unrelated but pretty hard-core note, he re-roofed his entire house, by himself. We are all very proud of him. Somehow he still manages to invite me to gmail every time he e-mails me. I have a gmail account. I get six invites a day.J DMy brother and I were watching a movie at home (at night) and wanted to turn off all our surrounding lights so we could fully appreciate the awesomeness of our 58-inch HDTV. My dad, however, insisted on keeping the brightest light on so he could see the keyboard of his laptop. Hey Dad? The screen GLOWS.Kylie ZhangLast night, my dad ended up screaming at me, throwing our wireless keyboard into the couch and storming off because "the fucking internet doesn't work. The link your school gave us is in bold and I can't put that in so it keeps taking me to the wrong website!" He forgot the "." before ".com"Erika Hakanson from ElonI sent my mom a text message saying "love you mom" and she responded by sending me a text with my address.David V

Written 2010-07-28 16:00:00
by Susanna Wolff
from Columbia University

Tiger Woods Beyonce Knowles David Beckham Johnny Depp

He Took HGH??? Former MELtdown Mistress Spills Deets On His Crazy!

He was taking HGH injections?! This guy is effing OUT OF HIS MIND!
A former mistress of MELtdown Gibson, named Violet Kowal, has come forward, and claims to have been intimate with the psychotic, abusive actor from July 2009 to January 2010!
Check out the video (above) to hear about some of the shiz he pulled [...]Jennifer Lopez Ben Stiller Kevin Garnett James Patterson

Jon Hamm in Love with Being Unmarried

Jay Leno Sean Diddy Combs Stephen King Kimi Raikkonen

John Cena is granting wishes

John Cena is more than just a powerhouse in the ring; he's a designer! The WWE superstar teamed up with 7-Eleven, Inc. and promoted the ?Coffee Cup With A Cause? campaign, where he designed a special cup that will be sold for charity. Cena fans can buy a cup at 7-Eleven and proceeds will benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
read moreRegis Philbin Tom Clancy Rachael Ray Cate Blanchett

Sarah Palin Rips Barack Obama Visit to The View

Yesterday's appearance by Barack Obama on The View was not warmly greeted by some of the President's critics who questioned the nature of the visit. Chief among said critics: Sarah Palin. Ripping his decision to sit down for a light interview on daytime TV amid myriad national crises, Palin Twittered: "President with no time to visit porous US/Mexican border to offer help to those risking life to secure us, but lotso’ time to chat on The View? ... I’m headed to border in near future. Let’s see how quickly his travel schedule will allow that border visit after all.” It might be a compelling point, if it weren't Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin questions our President's commitment to public service. The former Alaska Governor is referring to the region's drug wars and the debate over immigration in this country, and whether Obama should be on The View during such turbulent - or any - times is a subject many have raised, and not without validity. With our nation burdened by two wars, immigration upheaval, rampant unemployment and the worst ecological disaster of all time, seeing our Commander-in-Chief chatting about Lindsay Lohan and Jay-Z is not as charming as it once was. Let's not forget, though, that this criticism is coming from a woman who quit after less than a term as Alaska Governor to pursue lucrative, self-serving endeavors such as writing a memoir of her distinguished "career" and posing for In Touch Weekly. That's her right, of course, and good for her. But for a woman clearly in love with her own celebrity and more interested in fulfilling Sarah Palin's every whim than in public service, criticism of one interview by the President is laughable. Agree? Disagree? Weigh in below ... Christina Aguilera Jessica Alba Stacey Dash Selena Gomez

Katie Holmes Pregnant (Tabloid Falsely Implies)!

Katie Holmes may be ready for baby #2, but it ain't happening anytime soon. Don't let the cover below fool you, this is just boilerplate Life & Style crap. If you actually read the article, it cites as "evidence" this quote: "It's just fabulous," she told Life & Style at an NYC screening of The Extra Man July 19. "I'm very lucky. Very lucky." She is referring, of course, to motherhood, not the fact that she's pregnant. Which she isn't. Although she did play into the magazine's hand a little bit. BABY #2 IS COMING: For some other person, maybe. We can see L&S' confusion - touching one's stomach and liking ice cream are tell-tale symptoms. Mrs. Tom Cruise has been playing an expectant Jackie O in the History Channel miniseries The Kennedys and is "positively beaming" during production. In Canada, she's been "spotted fondly rubbing her prosthetic belly" and cooing over kids on set while spending mother-daughter time with Suri Cruise. According to the publication, Katie has "made no secret" of the plan to give Suri a sibling. They've recycled this quote for four years now. Just saying. What nonsense. At least they gave Jennifer Aniston the week off.Dale Earnhardt Jr. Bon Jovi Jennifer Lopez Ben Stiller

Jennifer Lopez Named New American Idol Judge?

That's the word on the street!
The latest coming from Hollywood is that J. Lo has signed on to replace Ellen DeGeneres on Idol.
Hey, she's got nothing better to do!
What are your thoughts on her possible appointment to the judges panel?????
[Image via WENN.]

Daniel Radcliffe Alicia Keys Gisele Bundchen Gwyneth Paltrow

Chelsea Clinton Makes Final Wedding Preparations

Pamela Anderson Kristen Stewart Mel Gibson Megan Fox

Today's 13 Most Irritating Female Celebrities

For some bizarre reason, these women continue to get headlines in gossip magazines and mentions on the evening news, despite the fact that half of the world?s population would rather pull out their fingernails one-by-one as opposed to hearing their names.Brad Pitt Will Smith Justin Timberlake Steven Spielberg

Usher and J Biebs head home

Back to the ATL they go! The dynamic duo in music today, Usher and Justin Bieber are making some time in their busy schedules to head home to Atlanta early next month. What?s happenin?? They?ll be joining one former U.S. President for an event supporting the young leaders of today.
read moreSelena Gomez Maria Canals Salma Hayek Miley Cyrus

The CAPTION THIS Contest For July 29th!

via Crewcial
Shirley MacLaine Nicole Kidman Laura Dern Djimon Hounsou

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Celeb Moms Talk TheTalk

As celebrity moms unite for a new daytime talk show &#151 appropriately named The Talk -- fans can expect to see a whole other side of the cohosts.Oprah Winfrey Tiger Woods Beyonce Knowles David Beckham

Top 50 Most Desirable Arab Women of 2010 [Pics]

Here are pictures of top 50 most beautiful and desirable Arab celebrities. We have compiled this list with popularity, talent, charm, sense of style and most web searches of these Arab women.Demi Moore Timothy Bottoms Ron Howard Kim Cattrall

Mel Gibson is an excellent father

Oksana Grigorieva has accused Mel Gibson of some pretty horrific stuff, but every time she tries to prove it there?s always some element that makes it look like she?s exaggerating at the very least.
The worst of it was the claim that he hit Oksana while she was holding their baby daughter, and in the [...]Will Smith Justin Timberlake Steven Spielberg Cameron Diaz


Written 2010-07-27 13:00:00
by Cyanide & Happiness


Jurnee Smollett Ryan Reynolds Shirley MacLaine Nicole Kidman

Barack Obama on The View: President Talks Chelsea Clinton Wedding, Mel Gibson, Justin Bieber & More

President Barack Obama stopped by The View today, marking the first-ever appearance by a sitting Commander-in-Chief on a daytime talk show. The subject matter was mostly light. Obama did touch on some of his recent lows - prosecuting two wars, the BP oil slick, a misstep over a race flap - and the greatest indignity of all: He wasn't invited to Chelsea Clinton's wedding. "I was not invited," Obama admitted when asked if he'd be attending Chelsea's nuptials with Marc Mezvinsky in Rhinebeck, N.Y., this coming weekend. Obama said he supported the Clintons' decision to limit invites to guests who had a relationship with Chelsea, rather than including world leaders. "I think Hillary and Bill properly want to keep this as a thing for Chelsea and her soon-to-be husband," he said. "You don't want two presidents." Obama later revealed that his pop culture knowledge is significant, but not without holes. "I've got to admit I don't know who Snooki is," he said. "I knew Lindsay was in jail," he added, referring to the jailing of Lindsay Lohan for failing to comply with probation terms of her DUI sentencing. Asked about the recent scandal over the Oksana Grigorieva / Mel Gibson tapes, Obama replied: "I haven't seen a Mel Gibson movie in a while." Obama does not use Twitter, but was a big fan of the iPod. "I got Jay-Z on there, I've got Frank Sinatra. I've got Maria Callas on there," he said of the MP3 player. "I do not have Justin Bieber on there." Slipping in polls of late, Obama may have decided on the light sit-down with the women of The View to reconnect with his female base. He accomplished that, but did touch on some key issues. When it came to the administration's firing of Shirley Sherrod, Obama was asked what light the case shed on race relations in America. "When you took office a lot of people thought we'd get beyond race, Do you think America is still racist," asked Sherri Shepherd. "I think what happened in that situation was a 24/7 media cycle that's always looking for controversy generated a phony controversy. A lot of people overreacted, including people in my administration," Obama said. "When it comes to race let's acknowledge that of course there is still tension out there, there is still discrimination, there is still inequality. But we've made progress and if each of us takes it upon ourselves to treat people with fairness." Anticipated fireworks from Elisabeth Hasselbeck did not materialize. "We are in a state of chronic joblessness, yet you claim there are saved jobs, a standard not used before by any administration," said Hasselbeck. "It's frustrating to hear that 'saved-jobs' boasting ... How can you continue to say you've saved jobs when in reality people are losing jobs?" The president explained the stimulus gave money to states that would have otherwise fired teachers, police officers and other public employees. "It makes a difference if your job was one of the ones saved. States got hammered as a result of the financial crisis. If we had not provided immediate assistance to the states, they would have had to fire teachers, police, firefighters," he said. "This was not just a matter of jobs for those people but the services lost. We're bouncing back, but not bouncing back as quickly as we need to." Asked by Barbara Walters about an increasingly deadly war in Afghanistan, the president reiterated his talking point that U.S. soldiers would be leaving Iraq this month and would begin drawing down from Afghanistan next summer.Roger Federer Alex Rodriguez Jerry Seinfeld 50 Cent

Roommate Confessions: Issue 135

It's been an entire week since your last confession and there's been a lot of good, solid sinning going on across the country. Check out the top 5 and don't forget to submit your misdeeds to our submission page!Well I work night shift 12hrs on 12 hrs off. I had this roommate that loved to play his 360 every single night (Usually Gears of War). Every night I would say "Dude at least mute it tV" "Uh OK" He wouldn't. So finally one day before he came in I took a hot iron to all of his damn games. He never figured it out. Also our neighbors could smell his feet through the cinderblock wall and metal doors.Chris P.I lived in the dorms my freshman year of college. A bunch of the guys started a prank war during the middle of the semester and my roommate and I wanted no part of it, until someone got into our room and basically wrecked it by throwing our clothes everywhere and turning our beds over. Earlier that year, I had climbed into the attic. The only things up there were a couple of dead bird skeletons and some bird eggs that had never hatched. I never found out who wrecked our room, but I took the bird skeletons and eggs down and cooked them in the microwave of each room that I felt could be responsible (like 5 or 6 rooms). The prank war ended that day.Will W. from AuburnMy roommate never really did anything to piss me off but I'm kind of an asshole, and an asshole that likes to play pranks. One day I decided that I would scare him terribly while he is sleeping. I downloaded an audio file of dogs barking and blasted through my speakers to give the effect that there were dogs in the main room. I then had my female neighbor scream at the top of her lungs and I threw a chair against the wall to add the effect of a break in. I then kicked in the door and put a paintball gun in his face while wearing a ski mask. He yelped and almost cried. The worst part is I videotaped the entire thing and uploaded it to facebook/youtube. It got so popular around campus that girls would approach him as "the kid that almost cried."Chris P. from DelawareThe dryer in our building was broken and my room mate and I had piles of dirty clothes. One day we decided to wash them and let them "air dry". My roommate thought that air drying meant placing all the wet clothes on my bed (the bottom bunk). I ended up sleeping on the floor since soggy blankets and pillows are uncomfortable. The next day while he was out I removed his mattress and gave it the illusion that a mattress still existed. Well, that night my roommate came home tired as hell and leaped onto his bed only to fall through to my bed which was covered in cold, soaking wet towels. Surprise!Evan G. from ASUMy roommate is a complete slob, like most of the victims in these confessions, but to get a complete visual, imagine Cartman in South Park's "Make Love, Not Warcraft" episode. The kid eats no less than 6 Hot Pockets a day and has been known to eat an entire loaf of bread in 30 minutes (but it's OK because it's whole-grain which is "healthier"). Anyway, as you can imagine he eats all his food then scavenges the rest of the week. Well of course, the rest of us got pissed and decided to swap out some of the food. We filled the milk jugs with

Written 2010-07-26 16:00:00
by Jeff Rosenberg
from New York University

Wesley Snipes Sandra Bullock Bruce Willis Britney Spears

Open Post: Hosted By Chuck Bass' Field Of Chest Fur

Here's Ed Westwick looking like he's about to pirouette and leap into the title role in Robin Hood: Gays in Skinny Jeans at a network event last night. Personally, I always love it when Ed Westwick shows off that he has more fur on his chest than Robin Williams has on his ass cheeks. I don't even care that he's wearing a plunging blouse from the J. Jill catalog. Bring on the chest pubes!
Speaking of pubes, is it just me or does that V-neck make it look like Ed's got the shape of an extra pointy dick head on his chest? I'd hit it. The pointy peen head on his chest, I mean.
Tom Selleck was also at the same event as Ed, but sadly he didn't rip off his shirt and challenge that trick to a hairy chest-off. Tom didn't bother, because he knew that victory would've come too easy.
Pamela Anderson Kristen Stewart Mel Gibson Megan Fox

Mel Gibson's Ex Facing Extortion Charges

As the pace of new Mel Gibson rant tapes has slowed down, news emerged on Wednesday that the investigation into allegations of domestic abuse by the troubled actor's ex-girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva, has been expanded to include a probe into whether the aspiring singer attempted to extort money from the "Lethal Weapon"Justine Henin Judd Apatow Kate Moss Patrick Dempsey

Basketball legend fights cancer

Scoring more points than any other player, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar made basketball history during his career with the Milwaukee Bucks and Los Angeles Lakers from 1969-1989. He made his movie debut in Bruce Lee's 1978 film Game of Death and has been the assistant coach for the Los Angeles Lakers since 2005. It seems as if there isn't anything that Kareem can't tackle, even cancer! The basketball star has partnered up with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to create Team Kareem, a national team whose goal is to raise money for cancer research and awareness about blood cancer.
read moreRush Limbaugh Reese Witherspoon Maria Sharapova Ryan Seacrest

Joan Rivers offers to pay for Lindsay Lohan's rehab - USATOD

Joan's favorite Twitter topic, Lindsay Lohan - has taken a turn. After such quips as "Lindsay Lohan is so dumb. Her idea of being sworn in is cursing at the judge." and "I was just reading about the new Lindsay Lohan diet, which is all liquid. 80 Proof."Now Joan Rivers is saying seriously that Lindsay needs to go to rehab.Ashley Tisdale Gordon Ramsay Jennifer Love Hewitt Lauren Conrad

The 20 Most Ridiculously Humiliating Sports Injuries of All Time

San Diego Padres pitcher Mat Latos recently had to go on the disabled list for a sneezing-related injury. He tried to stifle the sneeze, but his finely-tuned athlete body couldn't handle the pressure and he pulled a muscle.Is this the most humiliating athlete injury of all-time? Not even close.Here are the Top 20.#1 -- Lionel SimmonsIn 1991 Sacramento Kings rookie forward Lionel Simmons missed two games due to tendonitis in his right wrist and forearm from playing too much GameBoy. News of this injury shocked many fans at the time who weren't even aware that Sacramento had an NBA team, much less one stocked with brilliant athletes who could make it to level 25 on Tetris.#2 -- Steve SparksDuring Spring Training in 1994 the Milwaukee Brewers received a visit from an inspirational team of strongmen. After the group left, journeyman knuckleballer Steve Sparks tried to replicate their stunts by ripping a phone book in half. Big surprise: he dislocated his shoulder and failed to make his first big-league roster. Tough break for a knuckleballer, and this incident is why to this day Tim Wakefield won't rip anything larger than a copy of Mike Lowell's memoir Deep Drive: A Long Journey to Finding the Champion Within.#3 -- Wade BoggsWade Boggs is a man of many appetites. He loves chicken, ill-fated rides atop police horses, and dressing like a cowboy. That third love caught up to him during his career, though. Boggs once missed a seven-game stretch after straining his back while pulling on his cowboy boots. Most baseball historians feel this injury was karmic payback for taking the wrong side in the legendary Lord Palmerston/Pitt the Elder debate of 1992. San Diego Padres pitcher Mat Latos recently had to go on the disabled list for a sneezing-related injury. He tried to stifle the sneeze, but his finely-tuned athlete body couldn't handle the pressure and he pulled a muscle.Is this the most humiliating athlete injury of all-time? Not even close.Here are the Top 20:#1 -- Lionel SimmonsIn 1991 Sacramento Kings rookie forward Lionel Simmons missed two games due to tendonitis in his right wrist and forearm from playing too much GameBoy. News of this injury shocked many fans at the time who weren't even aware that Sacramento had an NBA team, much less one stocked with brilliant athletes who could make it to level 25 on Tetris.#2 -- Steve SparksDuring Spring Training in 1994 the Milwaukee Brewers received a visit from an inspirational team of strongmen. After the group left, journeyman knuckleballer Steve Sparks tried to replicate their stunts by ripping a phone book in half. Big surprise: he dislocated his shoulder and failed to make his first big-league roster. Tough break for a knuckleballer, and this incident is why to this day Tim Wakefield won't rip anything larger than a copy of Mike Lowell's memoir Deep Drive: A Long Journey to Finding the Champion Within.#3 -- Wade BoggsWade Boggs is a man of many appetites. He loves chicken, ill-fated rides atop police horses, and dressing like a cowboy. That third love caught up to him during his career, though. Boggs once missed a seven-game stretch after straining his back while pulling on his cowboy boots. Most baseball historians feel this injury was karmic payback for taking the wrong side in the legendary Lord Palmerston/Pitt the Elder debate of 1992.

Written 2010-07-28 15:00:00
by Sports Pickle

0 likeso far Be the first!

Keira Knightley Jerry Bruckheimer Nicolas Cage Spice Girls

Top 25 Celebrities Who Are Robbing the Cradle

There?s something fascinating about a person who dates or marries someone who is young enough to be their child.Nicole Kidman Laura Dern Djimon Hounsou Maria Conchita Alonso

God Hinting At Retirement

THE HEAVENS?At a press conference Tuesday, God Almighty, our Lord and Heavenly Father, gave his strongest indication yet that he might soon step down from his post as the supreme ruler of all things.Anna Paquin Will Ferrell Leonardo DiCaprio James Franco

Rachel Uchitel on Celebrity Rehab: I Quit!

Declaring "I quit" and running away from the set, Rachel Uchitel apparently couldn't handle the intense pressure of Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. Instead, Tiger Woods' mistress checked into a swanky hotel. "After a very intense day of filming, Rachel couldn't handle being at the Pasadena Recovery Center" and left, according to a Radar Online source. Rache fled for Beverly Hills' L'Ermitage Hotel after an intense day with Dr. Drew, during which she "had trouble coping with the issues" discussed. We reported in recent weeks that Uchitel is being treated for "emotional issues" (i.e. banging married celebrities) as well as an addiction to pills. She was discussing her issues with self-esteem and self-worth, along with her addiction to Ambien when absolutely lost it and bolted the set. Rachel Uchitel flaked on Celebrity Rehab 4 ... but will she be back? Producers located Uchitel the next morning. "Producers arrived at the hotel the following morning, and calm prevailed," says an inside source. "Rachel simply needed some time away from the intense pressure and scrutiny she is dealing with. She agreed to go back to Celebrity Rehab." "Rachel has never had to face these kind of issues like this before, and talking about it pushed her over the edge, and her instinct was to run." Well, sure. Of course, Rachel isn't legally allowed to talk about her affair with Tiger Woods, but the world's #1 golfer looms large in her life. “Her issues go beyond Tiger, but he was the catalyst that pushed her over the edge," a close source said of the 35-year-old "VIP hostess." No word if she'll talk about David Boreanaz.Wesley Snipes Sandra Bullock Bruce Willis Britney Spears

Open Post: Hosted By Justin Timberlake's Tequila Commercial

Justin Timberlake has his own tequila brand and here's the commercial for that mess which he directed himself. It probably won't make you want to drop a few coins on his tequila, but it will give you a craving for cake, plastic ice cubes and coochie eating. And now thanks to Justin, I'll never look at a tequila worm the same way again.
via Copyranter
Nicholas Hoult Tommy Lee Jones Jill Flint Timothy Olyphant

Condoleezza Rice Performs On Stage With Aretha Franklin!

We give her a lot of credit for going up there and performing with such a legend! It must have been pretty bizarre - but awesome - to be there to see it!
Last night Aretha Franklin was joined on stage at Philadelphia's Mann Music Center by none other than Condoleezza Rice for a benefit [...]Vanessa Williams Tina Fey Paula Deen Naomi Watts

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Open Post: Hosted By Justin Timberlake's Tequila Commercial

Justin Timberlake has his own tequila brand and here's the commercial for that mess which he directed himself. It probably won't make you want to drop a few coins on his tequila, but it will give you a craving for cake, plastic ice cubes and coochie eating. And now thanks to Justin, I'll never look at a tequila worm the same way again.
via Copyranter
Tyra Banks Serena Williams Eva Longoria Parker Ellen DeGeneres

Presenting: The Betty White Calendar. No joke!

This is why we love Betty White, part 2. 2010 has been a great year so far for White, and it just keeps going. Come September, fans everywhere will be able to snatch up The Betty White Calendar... and help advocate for animal welfare at the same time! Sure, she may be 88 years old (aka, old!), but we here at CGG just cannot get over how this veteran comedienne continues to take action for the community with the vigor of a teenager (and we cannot hold back on telling you about it)!
read moreBon Jovi Jennifer Lopez Ben Stiller Kevin Garnett

Joan Rivers offers to pay for Lindsay Lohan's rehab - USATOD

Joan's favorite Twitter topic, Lindsay Lohan - has taken a turn. After such quips as "Lindsay Lohan is so dumb. Her idea of being sworn in is cursing at the judge." and "I was just reading about the new Lindsay Lohan diet, which is all liquid. 80 Proof."Now Joan Rivers is saying seriously that Lindsay needs to go to rehab.Vin Diesel Anna Paquin Will Ferrell Leonardo DiCaprio

Kara DioGuardi Getting The Boot From American Idol?

He may not be getting rid of everyone at once, but it looks like he might be starting where he can!
There are rumored to be some major shake-ups on American Idol next season now that Nigel Lythgoe is in talks to return as executive producer. There are rumblings that he wants to dismantle the [...]Zac Efron Annika Sorenstam Ashley Tisdale Gordon Ramsay

Melissa Rycroft: Pregnant!

While the supposed baby news of Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom has not actually been addressed by the couple, there's no doubt about this one: Melissa Rycroft is pregnant! "It was a shock. We weren't even trying," the former Bachelor winner, who married insurance agent Tye Strickland in December, tells Us Weekly. "It's the most wonderful surprise in the world. It's such a blessing." Blessed she may be, but the co-host of ABC's Bachelor Pad says starting a family was the last thing on her mind. Someone forgot to tell Tye that. Tye and Melissa Rycroft Strickland are starting a family! "He wanted to have kids right away, and I was laughing at him going, 'No, not ready!'" Melissa Rycroft said. "He's actually cried more than I have." Rycroft says that her solid relationship with her man has helped her stay calm: "Tye is caring, he's funny. He's going to be a great dad." Interestingly, she says she's hoping for a boy, while Tye wants a girl. Either way, "We're going to find out as soon as we can," she says. Melissa, who received the final rose from Jason Mesnick during the 2009 season of The Bachelor, only to have him break up with her for Molly Malaney (who he later married), is "eating everything in sight" and may "gain 90 pounds." She'd still look great. Congratulations, Melissa and Tye!Rachael Ray Cate Blanchett Heidi Klum Carrie Underwood

Sylvester Stallone Has Hulk Hands [PIC]

No, those aren?t Hulk hands, it?s just a recent picture of Sylvester Stallone, who at 64 years of age has finally decided to start wearing his veins on the outside of his skin.James McAvoy Josh Hutcherson Jessica Biel Kyra Sedgwick

6 Best Kevin Smith Moments at Comic-Con

Unlike other comic geeks like Tarantino and Rodriguez, Kevin Smith embraces his crowd and attends Comic-Con every year. He always has the best panel, but even if you are at Comic Con it's tough to get in the room. So without having to stand in line and wait for hours to see these, here are the six best Kevin Smith moments in Comic-Con's history.Shaquille ONeal Judge Judy Sheindlin Howard Stern Tyler Perry

The man who refused a million dollar prize award.

Is Grigory Perelman a symbol of the new Russia?Vanessa Williams Tina Fey Paula Deen Naomi Watts

Lindsay's Fellow Inmates Say Jail Is A Living Hell

Lindsay Lohan's life inside the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, Calif., is a far cry from her usual posh Hollywood hangouts but the living conditions pale in comparison to the stress of being locked in isolation.Beyonce Knowles David Beckham Johnny Depp Jay-Z

Update: Michael Lohan Charged With Harassment

Lindsay Lohan's father Michael Lohan has been charged with second-degree harassment after allegedly attacking his fiancee, Kate Major.Jay Leno Sean Diddy Combs Stephen King Kimi Raikkonen

Deena Nicole: Jersey Shore's Newest Guidette

Tomorrow on MTV ... It. Is. On. Jersey Shore returns for Season 2. The entire cast is intact and now filming Season 3, to boot ... and then some. Deena Nicole, a self-proclaimed “Bad Ass Brunette,” will play a big role. Where did the new star come from? Sources say she was already BFFs with Snooki and seems like she’s going to fit in well with the rest of the cast. Deena, real name is Deena Nicole Cortese, and is good friends with Snooki, who helped get her cast. She was also hangin' with J-Woww on Saturday. The 23-year-old is a former cheerleader who was on the squad at Brookdale Community College in Lincroft, N.J. She went to New Egypt High School. Jersey Shore's new girl looks like ... the other Jersey Shore girls. Maybe Garden State Governor Chris Christie, who recently called out the show, will be satisfied that they added another bona fide Jersey-ite at least. Well, at least until he sees Deena Nicole's racy MySpace page, which is filled with profanity-laced proclamations and sexy shots of her drinking, etc. “I don’t give a f**k,” is interspersed with sexy pics and quotes like “I’m addictive and expensive like cocaine. I should just have my own TV show!” The foul-mouthed female also recorded a video blog on her MySpace page in 2008, in which she rants about the way she's been treated by dudes. Swearing revenge, she says, "we're gonna play you out, n**ga." Yup, sounds like she should fit in fine with Ronnie Magro & Co. Sources close to production confirm Deena will be appearing in a number of episodes in Season 3, but isn't considered a "permanent" cast member.Leonardo DiCaprio Donald Trump George Lucas Keira Knightley

The Mad Mel News Roundup Brought To You By A Baby Kangaroo

My bowels are already full with enough pictures of Mel Gibson to last me until my next movement, so I thought I'd switch things up by putting a picture of a baby kangaroo in his place! If you are really having a major craving for Mel's image, go into your office bathroom and find a floater. CRAVE SCRATCHED!
But you don't need to do that since this baby kangaroo is all you really need. When you've got too much Mel in your head, just stare into this baby kangaroo's adorable eyes. Actually......that baby kangaroo is kind of giving me a smirk like he wants a blow in the Jacuzzi. Damn Mel! Mel has to infiltrate everything that is innocent and beautiful with his gutter nastiness! DAMN MEL TO THE ROSE GARDEN! Ugh. Let's just get to the Mel news already:
Mel was not drunk on holy water and vodka during his recorded rants: TMZ's sources claim that Mel was not under the influence of anything mind-altering during his tirade against OctoSana. They say that Mel hasn't had a sip of the sweet nectar since SugarTitsGate '06. So Mel is just naturally high on the crazy!
Mel buried the placenta in the rose garden: Right before Mel yacked up his rage on OctoSana over the phone, the two took part in a tree ceremony in his backyard. They planted a fir tree in honor of their daughter Lucia and also threw the placenta in there. Apparently, it's tradition in some parts of Australia to bury the placenta.
TMZ claims that during the ceremony the gardener said something (example: I'd like to bury my fir tree in your garden) which made OctoSana smile. That was Mel's cue to erupt into a shit storm of jealous lunacy. Mel accused OctoSana of wanting to bone the gardener. Then Mel stuck his head in the dirt, brought the placenta out with his teeth, ripped it to shreds and then chased everyone around the backyard.
More pictures of OctoSana's injuries: Radar doesn't have a new tape in their hands today, but they do have more pictures of OctoSana after Mel allegedly punched her in the face.
And that's that for now! Since I already tainted the baby kangaroo picture above, here's a video for you to cleanse your soul with. There's no way I can dirty up this magical video of a baby kangaroo staring at a butterfly. Actually, that butterfly does have a smirk on its face like....I'll stop.

Tom Hanks Taylor Lautner David Suchet Vin Diesel

Lawyers Probe Lindsay Lohan on Body Cavity Search

Lindsay Lohan is certainly no stranger to being on the receiving end of a body cavity search. But a recent one may have violated more than her morals. If the actress was subjected to a strip search at Lynwood Correctional Facility, lawyers want her to spill every detail of that experience in a deposition. Lindsay's name is included in class action lawsuit that alleges unlawful strip and body cavity searches were conducted by L.A. County Sheriff's deputies. The lawsuit has been filed on behalf of an inmate (not Lindsay Lohan) who recently checked into the jail. But she may be deposed as part of the case. PROBED: Peeps want to know if Lindsay was, illegally. Attorneys for the plaintiffs filed a request in Federal Court on Monday to take a deposition from the train wreck while she's behind bars at Lynwood. Is there a chance one of the plaintiffs in question could be E! reality star Alexis Neiers, who was recently freed from the same facility as Lindsay? Neiers was strip searched upon entering the jail. The suit claims that female inmates at the facility are strip searched in plain view of each other in a parking lot that is neither private nor sanitary. Sheriff's officials have said Lindsay was treated just like any other inmate. Does that mean she was subjected to an unlawful body cavity search? We'll have to wait and see if she talks, and what Lohan says if and when that happens. But the star is likely to be released from jail by August 1.Marisa Tomei Nicola Peltz Shannon Tweed Vincent D\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Onofrio


Written 2010-07-27 13:00:00
by Cyanide & Happiness


Jeff Gordon Ronaldinho Shaquille ONeal Judge Judy Sheindlin

Leonardo DiCaprio's Life in Photos

The from the inception of Leo till now. I'm sure the ladies will hope to see some of these images in their dreams.Kevin Garnett James Patterson Rush Limbaugh Reese Witherspoon

New Godzilla Is Revealed!

OMG! Suck it, Cloverfield!
Godzilla is BACK!
During Comic-Con this year, Legendary Pictures unveiled the new design for our beloved monster friend, Godzilla, and he looks much better than that sorry attempt for a reboot with Matthew Broderick!
That one was the WORST!
Thank goodness he has his fire breath back! Happy to see that [...]Madonna Simon Cowell Roger Federer Alex Rodriguez


Sad news.
According to his manager, Canadian actor Maury Chaykin has died at age 62, at a Toronto hospital surrounded by family early this morning.
Today was his birthday.
Maury was best known for his work in Dances With Wolves and Entourage.
We send our condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. He'll surely be missed.
Mickey Rourke Demi Lovato Andy Garcia James McAvoy

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Escape Routes for Pick-Up Lines

Written 2010-07-27 18:00:00
by Andrew Bridgman
from Purdue University

Timothy Dalton Ellen Page Dakota Fanning Joseph Gordon-Levitt

The man who refused a million dollar prize award.

Is Grigory Perelman a symbol of the new Russia?James McAvoy Josh Hutcherson Jessica Biel Kyra Sedgwick

Angelina Jolie Needs a Man Like a Fish Needs a Bicycle

Or why Jolie is one of the most utterly fantastic celebrities ever.Jennifer Aniston Michael Jordan Kobe Bryant Phil Mickelson

Christina Applegate Debuts Baby Bump

Christina Applegate is pregnant and proud! The actress showed off her baby bump on the red carpet Sunday at the Los Angeles premiere of Cats & Dogs: The Revenge Of Kitty Galore. Djimon Hounsou Maria Conchita Alonso Demi Moore Timothy Bottoms

Zsa Zsa Gabor Hospitalized with Broken Bones

93-Year-Old Actress Rushed to Hospital after Falling Out of BedVincent D\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Onofrio Tisha Campbell Jennifer Holland Ben Affleck

Exclusive pics from the red carpet

We promised pictures from the Do Something Awards and here they are! Who knew that our lovely content writer, John, is quite the paparazzi? Taking pictures came naturally to him as he whipped out the camera and captured all the excitement from the red carpet. Check out the photos but prepare to be star-struck. (We are still recovering from all the red carpet buzz.)

Don't worry. We're having trouble breathing too. Here's Do Something Music Artist winner Joe Jonas smiling adorably to the camera.

read moreLeBron James Jennifer Aniston Michael Jordan Kobe Bryant

Ke$ha: Inspired by Transvestites

Ke$ha is inspired by transvestites. In a new interview with Paper Magazine, she says: "Trannies make me want to be a better woman. I see these men who have way better bodies than I do, more beautiful faces, better complexions, beautiful makeup, and they're more fun than any person I've met in my life. They make me feel like I'm not a very good woman." That's an unusual point of view from an unusual artist. Let's take a look at what else Ke$ha had to say to that publication: On trying country music: I love Dolly Parton and Johnny Cash. I think at some point there might be some country collaborations or records in the future. But I'm also really digging being called, like half jokingly, a white girl rapper. I think it's really funny and I'm going to ride that train for a little bit. On one of her favorite things: I wouldn't say I'm aggressive, but I'm a pervert. I have a gold Trans Am and my favorite thing to do in the world is to drive around blasting Zeppelin or Sabbath, cat calling dudes. It doesn't work, but it's fun. On her favorite drinks: I like whiskey and I like red wine -  those are my two favorites. I love to lie around my house listening to vinyl records and drinking red wine. It's amazing. Paula Deen Naomi Watts Angelina Jolie Scarlett Johansson

God Hinting At Retirement

THE HEAVENS?At a press conference Tuesday, God Almighty, our Lord and Heavenly Father, gave his strongest indication yet that he might soon step down from his post as the supreme ruler of all things.Jackson Rathbone Penélope Cruz Adrien Brody M. Night Shyamalan

The Tiffany/Debbie Gibson Catfight We've All Been Waiting For

Syfy barely announced last month that Tiffany and Debbie Gibson will battle it out in the soon-to-be masterpiece Mega Python vs. Gatoroid, and they have already released a clip of their fight to the death which starts in some VIP tent and ends in the swamp. This mess features more panty flashes and creamy loads to the chest than one of Gay Al Reynold's tea parties. It finally ends with Debbie Gibson snatching Tiffany's signature line.
And I do love seeing a bitch throw another ho through a strategically placed stack of champagne glasses, but there are bigger things to worry about! Like the fact that Mega Python gave birth to two babies that are attacking Tiffany's mouth!
Kevin Garnett James Patterson Rush Limbaugh Reese Witherspoon

Presenting: The Betty White Calendar. No joke!

This is why we love Betty White, part 2. 2010 has been a great year so far for White, and it just keeps going. Come September, fans everywhere will be able to snatch up The Betty White Calendar... and help advocate for animal welfare at the same time! Sure, she may be 88 years old (aka, old!), but we here at CGG just cannot get over how this veteran comedienne continues to take action for the community with the vigor of a teenager (and we cannot hold back on telling you about it)!
read moreMichael Jordan Kobe Bryant Phil Mickelson Madonna

Christina Hendricks- She Doesn't Spit Out The Seeds (PIC)

*****Ashley Tisdale Gordon Ramsay Jennifer Love Hewitt Lauren Conrad

Lindsay Lohan's Dad Accused of Attacking Fianceé

Lindsay Lohan's father, Michael Lohan, is being accused of domestic violence!Roger Federer Alex Rodriguez Jerry Seinfeld 50 Cent

RHONJ's Danielle: I Love Being The Villain

There's nothing you can say to offend The Real Housewives of New Jersey's Danielle Staub! After all, Jersey's most hated housewife has been called a "coke whore" and "crazy bitch" and she still keeps coming back for more.Cate Blanchett Heidi Klum Carrie Underwood Jon Stewart

Where?s a shark when you need one

The Sun has this picture of Paris Hilton draining a bottle of Cristal while on a raft in the ocean, instead of on a raft in the jaws of evolutions perfect killing machine, which is what would have happened if karma was a real thing and not just stoner hippie nonsense. That this [...]Charlize Theron Collette Wolfe Michael Fassbender Anna Nicole Smith

Monday, July 26, 2010

Drake Bell packs school supplies

We have seen him cracking up jokes on screen and jamming on his guitar in stadiums across the country. But now, we can find Kim Cattrall Oprah Winfrey Tiger Woods Beyonce Knowles

10 Consoles and Their Human Equivalents

Written 2010-07-23 14:00:00
by Jason
from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Kimi Raikkonen Jeff Gordon Ronaldinho Shaquille ONeal

10 Consoles and Their Human Equivalents

Written 2010-07-23 14:00:00
by Jason
from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Annika Sorenstam Ashley Tisdale Gordon Ramsay Jennifer Love Hewitt

What's Underneath Justin Bieber's Hair?

Written 2010-07-22 18:00:00
by Owen Parsons


Donald Trump George Lucas Keira Knightley Jerry Bruckheimer

Christina Hendricks- She Doesn't Spit Out The Seeds (PIC)

*****Taylor Lautner David Suchet Vin Diesel Anna Paquin

The Dorklyst: The 13 Most Annoying Characters From Final Fantasy Games

Final Fantasy games are story-driven with many hours of gameplay, meaning you really get to know the characters. Sometimes that's a good thing. Other times? Not so much. Here's our tribute to the 13 characters that made us want to jump off a Mako Reactor.1. Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII)

No Final Fantasy party is complete without an annoying, hyperactive teenager. But unlike your other spunky companions, Yuffie isn't content with merely giggling and offering up the occasional idiotic quip: She'd rather steal all of your material, leaving you without magic for an entire section of the game. The worst part? Yuffie's a secret character, so you have to do extra work just to have her screw you over. Sephiroth himself probably did less damage to the party, and he straight up murdered one of the main characters.

Written 2010-07-21 16:30:00
by Dorkly


Jurnee Smollett Ryan Reynolds Shirley MacLaine Nicole Kidman

Lindsay Lohan Rehab-Bound After Jail Stint

Lindsay Lohan may get out of jail sooner than expected. Of course, then she'll have to head straight into rehab. The troubled star's in-patient treatment will commence almost immediately after her painstaking sentence ends, and she won't have to travel far to get there. As part of Lohan's sentence, she will receive the court ordered 90-day treatment in California. The idea behind entering a rehab facility that's close by is simple: So people can actually keep tabs on her progress. She's handling jail well, but Lindsay still must deal with rehab. Michael Lohan lobbied for his daughter to enter a Long Island facility, but he belongs in jail/rehab himself, so he doesn't have much in the way of credibility. What Lindsay's camp wants to avoid is a repeat of her 2007 rehab visit to Cirque Lodge in Utah - a very respected facility, but Lohan was too unmonitored. Rather than focusing on getting better, she treated the facility and its program like a total joke and took up with that douche Riley Giles. Remember him? Anyway, yeah. Rehab in and around L.A. this time. It sounds like it's the best fit for her when she's released, which may be by the end of this month now. Do you think she's served enough time in jail? George Lucas Keira Knightley Jerry Bruckheimer Nicolas Cage

Parents Just Don't Understand: 7/21

Do your parents not understand technology? Do they ask you stupid questions? Do they send you absurd text messages? Do they use words like "MyFace,""SpaceBook,"or "The World Wide Web?" If you've got an example of your Parents Just Don't Understanding, submit it here! And thank God we'll never be as dumb as they are!I had just showed my dad how to subscribe to podcasts off iTunes, emphasizing that they were free. Then he opened his birthday presents. When he got a gift card for iTunes he said exactly: "Oh great, now I can loaddown the American-cast on my iTouch!" What?Alex DEverytime I watch something on TV with my parents and a commercial block comes on, my parents will always ask me if the program is over, even if it has just started.Karel R.My mom was going to China for a trip, so I taught her how to use Skype. One day she caught me between classes as I was sitting outside, and as we were videochatting the glare started interfering with the camera. My mother immediately got up and turned off all the lights in her room (it was nighttime in China), then got mad when it did nothing to change the situation.Annie L from GWUI wanted to chip in to help buy my grandfather the new iphone. He seemed really excited about it and tries to keep up with new technology, but then he called it the "iPhone 3D" and I realized he was going to be really disappointed.Aaron MOnce while my mom was on the computer, a fly landed on the monitor and she totally tried to shoo it away with the arrow on the screen before realizing she was dumb.Seaman Wilson from Navy

Written 2010-07-21 16:00:00
by Susanna Wolff
from Columbia University

Jonas Brothers Howie Mandel Wolfgang Puck Zac Efron

Dating, It's Complicated: Issue #58

Dating someone? Well great! Send your craziest, funniest, most embarrassing dating related stories to me using this cool automatic submission form! I have recently started dating this girl and she wants to take it slow, so we are in my apartment watching a movie on my bed, when I decide I want popcorn, I go make it, and leave before it's done so I won't miss anything. I come back and her pants are on the ground I immediately think we're getting started but she looks at me and goes "Oh, sometimes I just feel more comfortable wearing no pants" I turn around and leave to grab the popcorn completely dissapointed.  And while walking down the hall I hear my roommate getting what I did not.  Gryffindor made no points that day, but Slytherin got 10, those bastards... -Phil, AZAbout 3 years ago my then girlfriend (now my wife) took me to meet her parents after attending a fourth of July cookout at my parents house. My mom had some cool temporary tattoos that were all patriotic and what not. Well some of the tattoos were the letters U S A and since I shave my head I thought it would be funny to cut some of those up to spell the word ASS and put it on the back of my head. Well later that night we went to pick her dog up from her parents house it was the first time I had met her parents and I had the word  ASS on the back of my head. Well I made sure to never turn my back to them to let them see it. We later told her parents about it and they thought it was hilarious. -Chris After having a few drinks with my girlfriend (foreign) and a friend who came into town, the conversation turned towards tattoos. My now relatively wasted friend said "well any tattoo is hot on a girl, except those lower back tattoos. Here we call them tramp stamps and the only people who get them are stupid whores." She has a lower back tattoo that her American friends advised her to get. She stormed out of the apartment and wouldn't talk to me for days.-James C

Written 2010-07-22 16:00:00
by Jason
from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Charlize Theron Collette Wolfe Michael Fassbender Anna Nicole Smith

Drake Bell packs school supplies

We have seen him cracking up jokes on screen and jamming on his guitar in stadiums across the country. But now, we can find Jessica Biel Kyra Sedgwick Vanessa Hudgens Ken Olin

Lindsay Lohan won?t even serve 14 days in jail

Based on these examples, when a celebrity goes to jail in LA, they only serve about 5 percent of their sentence before the sheriff lets them out. So why is Lindsay Lohan condemned to her private cell for two weeks, as if she’s some wild animal. That’s not 5 percent, that’s 15. [...]Kobe Bryant Phil Mickelson Madonna Simon Cowell

Teller on "Penn & Teller's" Greatest Skeptical Achievement

An audience member at The Amaz!ng Meeting 6 asked Penn & Teller what they thought was their greatest skeptical achievement. After a brief pause Teller (yes, the one that normally doesn't talk) looked up and gave a surprising but good answer.Maria Canals Salma Hayek Miley Cyrus Robert Redford

Museum Exhibits of the Future!

Someday our lives will be curiously studied by future generations much like we ponder Medieval life or the citizens of the Roman Empire.  I wonder what a museum exhibit about us would look like…

Written 2010-07-21 18:00:00
by Streeter Seidell
from Fordham University

Brian Austin Green Wesley Snipes Sandra Bullock Bruce Willis

Lindsay Lohan won?t even serve 14 days in jail

Based on these examples, when a celebrity goes to jail in LA, they only serve about 5 percent of their sentence before the sheriff lets them out. So why is Lindsay Lohan condemned to her private cell for two weeks, as if she’s some wild animal. That’s not 5 percent, that’s 15. [...]M. Night Shyamalan Marisa Tomei Nicola Peltz Shannon Tweed

The Dorklyst: The 13 Most Annoying Characters From Final Fantasy Games

Final Fantasy games are story-driven with many hours of gameplay, meaning you really get to know the characters. Sometimes that's a good thing. Other times? Not so much. Here's our tribute to the 13 characters that made us want to jump off a Mako Reactor.1. Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII)

No Final Fantasy party is complete without an annoying, hyperactive teenager. But unlike your other spunky companions, Yuffie isn't content with merely giggling and offering up the occasional idiotic quip: She'd rather steal all of your material, leaving you without magic for an entire section of the game. The worst part? Yuffie's a secret character, so you have to do extra work just to have her screw you over. Sephiroth himself probably did less damage to the party, and he straight up murdered one of the main characters.

Written 2010-07-21 16:30:00
by Dorkly


Anna Nicole Smith Nicholas Hoult Tommy Lee Jones Jill Flint

Everything Is More Awkward on Facebook

Written 2010-07-23 15:00:00
by Susanna Wolff
from Columbia University

Judd Apatow Kate Moss Patrick Dempsey Charlie Sheen

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Dorklyst: The 13 Most Annoying Characters From Final Fantasy Games

Final Fantasy games are story-driven with many hours of gameplay, meaning you really get to know the characters. Sometimes that's a good thing. Other times? Not so much. Here's our tribute to the 13 characters that made us want to jump off a Mako Reactor.1. Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII)

No Final Fantasy party is complete without an annoying, hyperactive teenager. But unlike your other spunky companions, Yuffie isn't content with merely giggling and offering up the occasional idiotic quip: She'd rather steal all of your material, leaving you without magic for an entire section of the game. The worst part? Yuffie's a secret character, so you have to do extra work just to have her screw you over. Sephiroth himself probably did less damage to the party, and he straight up murdered one of the main characters.

Written 2010-07-21 16:30:00
by Dorkly


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